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Topic: RE: How much lost in Feb????
gosh I feel so bad I lost 2 & 1/2 but I am happy I just need a jump start ,need 27 to goal comming off real slow I go to gym 2 times a week & walk the rest just comming off slow

Topic: RE: How much lost in Feb????
Hi Sharon, I lost 7 pounds this month. I have started walking everyday, and I am trying to increase my miles each week. Last week I was walking 2 miles. I have been out of town and so I havent had much exercise, just going up and down the stairs about twice a day. I guess that is some exercise. Had to go see my doctor, been having stomach pains, so he did some tests. Hopefully by Friday, will know the results.
Everyone here is doing so well. That is great that you are just a few pounds from goal, way to go!! I have about 55 more pounds to go.
Topic: RE: Getting to know you.
The four jobs I have had
1. Worked in insurance company two summers
2.worked 24 years as LPN in Post partum and labor and delivery unit
3.worked 5 more years as RN in labor and delivery unit
4. wife, mother and grandmother
Four places I have lived
1.East Hartford CT
2. Hartford Ct
3. Colchester, CT
Four TV shows I love to watch
1. House
2.Deal or no deal
3.Everyone loves Raymond
4. shopping channels
Four places I have been on vacation
2.Puerto Rico
3. Arizona
4. Florida
Four of my favorite foods after WLS
1. sliced turkey breast
2. yogurt
3. salad
4. soup
Four places I would like to be right now
1. With my sister in Florida
2. With family in Arizona
3.Anywhere with my husband
4. At the beach, in the sun
Four things I wanted to do that I couldn't before WLS on plane without seatbelt extender.....done
2. Clean my house the way it should be cleaned.... done
3. Walk and shop and not have to stop to sit and rest every few minutes...done
4.Get off medications...have gotten off most of my prescription medications...may get down to only one, will find out at next visit!
Topic: RE: How much lost in Feb????
Hi Sharon, I lost 8lbs this month, which for me was a good amount. Up until this past month I was not exercising regularly or keeping a detailed account of my food intake. I started Jan 31st using sparkpeople web site to track my food intake, water intake and exercise. This way I was able to keep on track and keep myself accountable for everything I put in my mouth. It also kept me motivated to exercise. I use my tredmill at least three times a week for 30 minutes, I have been pushing myself to increase my speed and incline and going farther in the 30 minutes. On alternating days I do muscle strengthening exercises. I was pleased it all payed off and motivated to continue what I have been doing.
My starting weight was 269 and am now 170. My own goal is between 140 and 150, I am not sure yet. My doctor never gave me a goal weight.
You have done great, I am sure you will get to your goal, you are so close. The warm weather is on it's way!
Topic: RE: How much lost in Feb????
i've been messing with 3 lbs for about 3 i was at 175, which puts me down 90 lbs also....i tend to feel discuraged when i see others that have lost way more but i remember that we all loose at different rates, i just wish i was closer to m goal....still 45 to go....but i know i'll get there
Ruth Ann
Topic: RE: Fibromyalgia?
Hi Kim, sorry to hear of you having Fibromyalgia. I don't have it myself. I know it is difficult to diagnose and I have not heard of a connection with it and WLS. Sorry I can't assist you. I wish you all the best and hope you find a successful treatment option.
Topic: How much lost in Feb????
Hi All-I was just wondering how much everyone lost in Feb? I lost only 4 pounds. I have 3 pounds til goal of 150. I have lost 90 so far. I am comfortable with the weight I am now. I don't really want to lose too much more but will strive for the doc's goal weight of 150. I need to get my butt back into excercising. I have have been VERY bad this past month but am planning on starting the new month again on track! This winter and being cold to my bones because of no fat has me curled up with a blanket on the couch. I can't wait to get outside in the springtime!!
Topic: Fibromyalgia?
Any of my April Surgery Buddies suffer with Fibromyalgia? Were you diagnosed after WLS? Do you feel there is any connection between Fibromyalgia and WLS? I was just diagnosed and want to hear what works and what doesn't as far as treatment options. Your input is appreciated. Kim M.
Topic: RE: All Liquids Today
The same thing happened to me. Tacos - left over from the other night. I had one shell, couple spoons of 96% ff meat, ff shredded cheese, light sour cream, shredded lettuce and tomato..broke it up to make a little taco salad. I haven't even attempted the calorie count.
But I did wake up to a 1 pound loss. I'm doing all liquids again today..during the day at least. Maybe that is what I will do for a few days... just have one meal of actual food. I think if I lived alone by myself, I would have no problems doing all liquids... I would throw everything in my pantry and fridge out..but since my hubby won't let me... it is way to hard. This just goes to show, I have no control.