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Topic: RE: How much lost in Feb????
Everyone is doing awesome for us being 10 months out. We have lost alot of weight. Keep up the great work, and We WILL get to our goal.
Topic: RE: WOWs
Congrads on the wow moment. Yeah!!
I am so proud of you. You keep up the great work and come visit us when you get a chance.
Your Friend

Topic: WOWs
Alyson, from the main board made me a century card, I earned it in October just after OH stopped giving them out so I am now official and love it. She posted it on my profile for me as an added gift since I am a technotard and computer challenged with this sort of thing. If you're curious, I now have a face.
Bought a pair of jeans at the W'Mrt store on sale in November. I thought they were size 14. I decided to try them on for casual Friday at work, they fit!!!!!!!!! But they aren't a size 14 at all. They are tagged 12 tall.
Bought a bathing suit in at Costco last week, it's a size 14 and it fits fine except in the butt. Someone stole my bottom, I am still going to take my grandson to the pool though, see you all later.
Topic: RE: Friday Ethel wants to know
we went out to dinner to my fav steak resturant
I had:
-3 grape tomatoes
-2 slices of cucumber (I know this exactly because my 2 year old inhaled the rest)
-1 bite of sour dough my kid shared
-1 bite of twice baked potato
-1 shrimp
-3 bites of sirloin before my pouch started revolting..
when i got home I looked pregnant..
I still look pregnant this morning.. so I think imanaged to pop between home and the resturant.
once we left and I was walking I flt better.

Topic: RE: What is your April fools Goal?
Too bad that is how it works huh! I would like to have been able to keep up the 15 to 20 or so a month but it is comforting to know that we all seem to be slowing considerably, that it is just the way it seems to be at this stage. Julia
Topic: RE: How much lost in Feb????
Wow Kim, 10 pounds in a month seems to be very good for this stage of the game. Congrats. Can I borrow you personal trainer?

Topic: RE: How much lost in Feb????
I lost 10lbs and 12 inches in February. I started working with a personal trainer in Feb and it has really paid off. 50 lbs till goal!
Topic: RE: Am I a Dummy?????
OK that just proves that we ahhh don't take tests well.......
I got 6 right- duh!
Topic: RE: Acid Reflux
April, I am taking Prevacid. I am experincing pain in the stomach and all around. Especially when I eat, Dr is took some tests, so now I am just waiting to see what we are going to do.
Hope you get better soon