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Topic: RE: I ran a 5K!!!
AMAZING JENN!!!! How proud I am of you like a Mama!!! You look so happy and delighted that you finished a dream!!!!
Girl there is no stopping you now!
In His love,
Joan M

Topic: RE: I ran a 5K!!!
That is just awesome, you look so happy and great. I am so happy that you did what you wanted too. I dont think my knees will ever let me run, but maybe I can do a walk a thon some day.
Keep up the great work Jenn K.

Topic: RE: Fibromyalgia?
Kim M. I get went to the free encyclopedia and look it up.
I am not smart by know means, and I thought that this would help explain, what the doctors are saying is wrong with you.
I don't have it but I have family members that do. I will put you on the prayer list, that all will be okay. Take care, you have come along way. Hope I havent offended you in anyway.
Psychosomatic disorder, now more commonly referred to as psychophysiologic illness, is an illness whose symptoms are caused by mental processes of the sufferer rather than immediate physiological causes. If a medical examination can find no physical or organic cause, if an illness appears to result from emotional conditions such as anger, anxiety, depression and guilt, then it might be classified psychosomatic.
Psychogenic dwarfism, Psychosocial dwarfism or Stress dwarfism is a growth disorder that is observed between the ages of 2 and 15, caused by extreme emotional deprivation or stress. The symptoms include decreased growth hormone (GH) secretion, very short stature, weight that is inappropriate for the height, and immature skeletal age. This disease is a progressive one, and as long as the child is left in the stressing environment, his or her cognitive and linear abilities continue to degenerate. It is often seen in feral children and in children kept in abusive, confined conditions for extended lengths of time. It can cause the body to completely stop growing but is generally considered to be temporary; regular growth will resume when the source of stress is removed.
Children with psychogenic dwarfism have extremely low levels of growth hormone. These children possibly have a problem with growth hormone inhibiting hormone (GHIH) or growth-hormone releasing hormone (GHRH). The children could either be unresponsive to these hormones or too sensitive.

Topic: RE: Fibromyalgia?
Kathleen, you sure seem to have very detailed information. What does psychosomatic and psychogenic mean? Kim M.
Topic: RE: Fibromyalgia?
Lizzie, just seeing your smiling picture helps my heart. Thanks for the prayers. Kim M.
Topic: RE: Fibromyalgia?
Shellly, it looks like you got a very detailed description of Fibro already from another post. What about MS? What are your symptoms and what is the treatment options for you? Is it related to your WLS? I will pray for you Shelly. I know it must be difficult to face because I have a cousin who told me he takes shots every week to help his MS and that is bad enough. That is all I know though. Take care, Kim M.
Topic: RE: Fibromyalgia?
April, It could be. My pain is in my shoulders, neck, hips, buttocks and thigh. It also has to do with fatigue, depression and anxiety. The arthritis foundation has good information on it if you are interested. Thank you for the prayers and April I will pray for your healing, too. Keep me posted.Kim M.