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Topic: RE: Yesterday's practice walkathon
You were supposed to use that time to get well-rested! Awesome job on the walk - you and your son will do awesome. What if you come in first??? Woohoo!!!
Topic: RE: Frederick's of Hollywood Story
Oh my goodness!!!! you have WAY more patience than i do.
i would have knocked her the heck out
....but that aside, she should have measured you for a correct fit.....
you can go to most major dept stores....neiman markus....maceys .... or a normal fredricks, or victoria secret and they will measure you. i have lots of bras now, before wls i had 2. now they range from a 32A to a 36B depending on the make. i have skin breasts....can not wait for implants!!!
take care

Topic: RE: How are you sleeping?
I sleep so much better now than before I know I would wake up from just tossing & turning now I dnt even know if I toss in the night
& I dnt even snore any more I had sleep app & it is gone thank GOD

Topic: RE: Frederick's of Hollywood Story
Jenn, I have shopped several times post wls for a bra and I never find one that fits right. I think " Oh wow, now I can wear a sexy looking bra instead of a boulder holder, but NOTHING seems to fit right. Lo and behold though, I did find a few to work. So they are out there. Keep searching! As far as that sales lady is concerned, you must be a real saint, because I think it would have been very tempting to say some rather unpleasant things back to her rude remark. You'll find it eventually. Kim M.
Topic: RE: Frederick's of Hollywood Story
LOL Sue!
Jenn ohhh doesn't it sux to be falling out! I can't believe how hard it is to find a bra that fits!
Topic: RE: 200lbs!
Oh Rose that is wonderful!!! I am so glad they could do the revision and you can again see the fruit of your labors!!! We need a new pic Girlfriend!!! So with revision do you start over with your diet..liquids, full liquids, etc?
If so I will pray for you and for strength.
So glad for the incredible weight loss!!!!
In His love,
Joan M
Topic: RE: Here is my food log for today
Thanks Sher..I didn't return until late afternoon and then spent the rest of the day at Dr.s...see Tues Ethel wants to know.
You do great at picking food that sounds good and is good for you.
Topic: Tues Ethel wants to know
So gang long time no see...Ethel wants to know...what ya eatin?
Snacks 2 servings Body Fortress Protein Powder....222 6 3 45
B - fit & active egg substitute 1 serving....30 0 1 6 w/Laughing Cow garlic herb cheese spread serving 35 2 1 3
L -Mixed salad greens 1/2 cup....5 0 1 0 w/fajita chicken breast 2oz....67 2 1 14
D - Corned beef, potatoes, and cabbage 1 cup....180 8 17 10
light & lively cottage cheese 3oz..... 60 1 5 9 w/SF blackberry preserves 1T...10 0 3 0
Snack - Jello SF Choc Mint pudding 1 serving....60 1 13 2
Totals 668 20 44 88
Went to Myrtle Beach and while there my knee went out so we came back early ad I went to Dr. yesterday. He thinks torn muniscus (sp) so I am on prednisone...anyone ever take that after surgery? I am worried because I know it causes weight gain and I have been struggling this past month with weighing between 153 - 155lbs. I so wanted to hit 135 or at least 140 by anniversary date in April and I see surgeon March 28...right after the 6 days on the meds. Yuck!!!
Hope you all are making good choices...I am trying to.
In Him,
Joan M

Topic: RE: Frederick's of Hollywood Story
Then my suggestion is to go bra less, lol. I don't understand what she meant, how can you get the biggest bra, still have them falling out the sides and still be able to "git one that holds yer buzzoms in it."
Personally, I'd have smacked her with one of them there buzzoms and put an eye out.
Thanks for sharing the story,