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Topic: RE: Thurs Ethel wants to know
Joan, I don't participate by putting my intake here but do read everyone elses to get ideas on what to eat and watch your calarie/protein/carb intake to see how it measures up to mine. Please continue to post it, all of you who do this. I do keep track of mine on fit day, but work full time and just don't post it here. Thanks for doing this as it does help me by seeing what others do at this stage of the game. Julia
Congratulations on such a great weight loss! Good luck at your walk for life!
Topic: RE: Update on Mono and other illness - ugh
Phlebitis is an inflammation in the veins. It makes my leg sore and I have to keep it elevated.
I've had vericose veins for about 10 years. Funny thing is I was really heavy through both of my pregnancies (and after) giving birth to two really large babies (10 lbs 4 oz and 9 lbs 12 oz) and I never got vericose veins then. Ten years ago I lost 100 lbs (and gained it back ugh) by exercising like a feind. I was lifting heavy weights for 2 hrs three times a week. That's when I got vericose veins. Having vericose veins makes youo more likely to get phlebitis. The surgery isn't for the phlebitis it's for the broken valve in my vein and to do something about the horrid veins.
My son is taking it very easy. So far he's not trying to over do it at all thankfully.
Thanks for all the well wishes.
Topic: Thurs Ethel wants to know
Since no response from anyone for Wed's Ethel I suppose everyone where the weather is warm, is out and about walking, gardening and other outdoors things. Not a problem...if this is too stressful you you to participate or if you feel at this stage in our WLS journey you no longer need this, please let me know. I will continue to do it for myself on fitday and encourage each of you to continue counting that as well as we know we all can let old habits creep in.
So for Thursday this is what Ethel had and I FINALLY broke 153...I weighed 152.8....but hey I will take it especially with being on Prednisone this week! Praise got the scale went down! I see surgeon the 28th and am hoping for more weight to come of this week. Been a very rough March....
Body Fortress Protein Powder 2 serving....222 6 3 45
Salad Spritzer Balsamic Breeze 1 serving....10 1 1 0
String cheese Frigo LF 1 serving....60 3 1 9
grilled chicken breast cubes 3 oz....110 3 2 20
Cherry Cranberry Pecan Salad Pizazz 2 T....60 3 8 0
SF popsicles Tropical 1 serving....15 0 4 0
Mixed salad greens 1C.....9 0 2 1
Egg, whole, boiled fir egg salad....57 4 0 5
Mayonnaise, regular .5T....49 5 0 0
Beef, top sirloin, 2 oz....102 3 0 17
Totals 695 28 21 97
Enjoy your weekend....will do Fri Ethel when I return from work this morning...
In His love,
Joan M

Good job Kay! 207 pounds is amazing!!!!!!
You will have a blast on your walk.
I am also doing the Relay for Life, here sponsored by the American Cancer Society in June also I can't wait! Isn't life amazing these days!
Topic: RE: Update on Mono and other illness - ugh
Lizzie- if I was closer I would make you some chicken soup!
I'm not sure what phlebitis is but it sounds like it hurts, did you have bad veins before the surgery? (that might be a duh question but ???)
It is great that your son is doing better, just make sure he takes it easy my cousin had mono when we were younger and she always overdid it and was sick for a long time because of it.
Keep that leg up and have fun vegging with your son.
Topic: RE: Wed Ethel wants to know
A few bites of scrambbled eggs
4 small pretzels
1/4 cup salad loaded with boiled eggs, chicken, crab meat, peas, sunflower seeds and mushrooms with lite dressing.
Insides of chicken soft taco
1/2 chicken breast
1 protein snack bar
100 calorie pack choc. chip/oatmeal cookie (south beach)
Hot ****o w/protein powder
No clue about counts I never keep track.....Lost 2 more pounds this past week!!!!
Kay, congratulations on such a tremendous weight loss, 207lbs! Isn't it just amazing how much better you can feel after losing weight. Feeling better, having better health and being able to do things we thought we never could.
its almost one year since my DS (30 april) and i have just signed up to do the walk for life in june..its a charity walk in england for cancer research and i never thought i would do it ..i have lost 207lbs and feel great . i love my DS...xx
Topic: RE: Update on Mono and other illness - ugh
That is good news that your son is better, but bad new that you have phlebitis. I sure hope that you get well soon. You remember to take care of yourself, too. If you get down who will take care of the husband and sons?
Just kidding.
You take care and keep us posted.
Joan, I sure hope you get your knee where it isnt bothering you too.
Love and hugs from Missouri