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Topic: RE: Happy rebirthday to my fellow april buddies
I will keep Maressa in my prayers.
I'm glad you are so happy with your results!
Topic: RE: Oddly enough - I've lost more than I weigh
Hooray for you Sue and great loss...isn't it amazing how this tool makes us think differently about those cravings...before we wouldn't stop to think we would just eat and eat and eat and still not satisfied. even now when we do decide to eat it isn't much and we are satisfied.
Again...great job nad hope your Easter was Blessed...Mine sure was!
Joan M
Topic: RE: Happy rebirthday to my fellow april buddies
Lisa, we all are so grateful for this tool that the surgeon has given us. I hadnt got even close to my goal, but I am 139 lbs lighter and SO much happy than a year ago. I have only one regret too, like you wish I had done it sooner.
Tell your friend Maressa that she will be in my prayers for a safe recovery. She will be on the loser bench with the rest of us, that is awesome.
Keep up the great work, and I hope you get the news you want tomorrow.
Topic: RE: Happy Easter April Buddies
Happy Easter All my April buddies, I hope everyone had a pleasant day.
Topic: RE: Happy Easter April Buddies
Yes, Ruth Ann and everyone on this wonderful April group, Happy Easter. Julia
Topic: Happy rebirthday to my fellow april buddies
Hello everyone,
Ijust wanted to congratulate everyone for making through the first year of our new lives
.It has been an amazing year and a great journey.....I would not have done it any different the only regret I have is not doing it sooner.......
As for what is going on with me well I celebrated my rebirthday saturday in the outlet mall shopping in skinny people stores and it was awesome feeling.........I dont ever have to shop in fat people stores again............
Also I see my surgeon for my one year follow-up on Monday the 9th, I get to find out if I can start trying to have a baby my boyfriend and I are so excited, I will keep you all informed........
Also I have a buddy on here Her name is Maressa she is having surgery tomorrow on the 9th please keep her in your prayers she is very nervous.....
thanks and I love you guys
Hugs and love