Has Anyone's Eyesite Changed since Surgery?
I thought I was crazy but I'm close to 3 weeks out now and it hasn't improved. My eyesite has changed since surgery. I can't read a book now without taking my glasses off. Guess I'm going to have to give in and go see the eye doctor and get bi-focals - arrrrg. I'm getting old......
Did anyone else notice this or am I a complete weirdo???
I remembered my eye doctor telling me when I was pregnant that my presciption might change due to the change of fluid and pressures in my body...so I assumed the same thing could happen after WLS. I asked around a few forums on here and it seems fairly common.
I skipped my March appointment for new glasses because I figured it'd be changing so there was no point.
I love that name ! My mom 's name is Carolyn and she is deceased but the name is so beautiful !
I guess i am a weirdo too ! I never had a problem before surgery with my eye sight but now ( I am only 2 week's out ) I feel such a strain when reading and looking at my computer ! My eye's feel so tired and hurt !
I was just telling my husband this morning that a trip to the eye doctor is in my near future !
Good luck when you go see your eye doc and let us know how you make out !