moods after surgery?
I am doing well, but its funny how my moods change from happy one minute to sad the next. I am told its all perfectly normal. I just wondered how everyone else is doing with it? Also do any of you all get nervous about having your surgery. not necessarily regrets but worry that it will work ok and stuff. I think its hormones that is making me do it right now. I know its the best thing but I get uneasy about it all at times. Just wondered if I am the only one who ever feels this way.
Hey Deb - I don't think you're alone. I'm and Apr 18'er too. So far food wise I've had no real problems and this in itself makes me scared because I'm actually afraid I won't have dumping syndrome. That's why I went with RNY over the lap band because I wanted negative reinforcement if I ate something I shouldn't. I know I've had major surgery but really I think that it hasn't hit me yet truly.
My husband and daughter brought home pizza last night and I asked if I could have just a tiny nibble - they said I shouldn't because if I didn't get sick then I would be tempted to eat it even though I know I shouldn't.
So yah I'm scared that maybe I've done this drastic thing to my body to maybe be one of the people down the road that gains all the weight back. I swore I wouldn't be but old habits are hard to break. I'm getting lonely at home having not gone back to work yet - and hey I'm a boredom loneliness eater - scary to me cause the old habits want to kick in.
We just have to have faith that we will stay strong and that we've made the right decisions for ourselves and that 5 yrs from now we will still be skinny and doing great.
hi carolyn,
I can so relate to what you are saying. Its amazing how scared I am of failing. I know I shouldn't think that way at all, but I guess all my other attempts have failed so I have the same mind set I guess. I have been good about what I am eating and stick to what the doc told me to. I do crave pizza LOL funny thing is I didn't care for it before surgery. strange huh. I also have two little kids and it is hard not being able to do for them like I usually do. I know this will pass soon, but its amazing how hard that has been for me. I too gave lap band a great deal of thought but my insurance wouldn't approve me. To be honest I think rny is the best choice for me. I am just scared of failing and the unknowns of how I will do in the future. I am giving it 100%, but I am still very nervous about it all. I think I am feeling like this because of all the hormones. They have been raging since surgery.
Hey Deb. I definitely know where you are coming from with the mood swings. I am told it's due to the fact that estrogen is stored in the fat and, as we are losing rapidly, it gives us estrogen overload. I had a hysterectomy almost 2 years ago so this emotional stuff is really bugging me. I was REALLY blue 2 days ago and just felt like crying all day. I kept reminding myself that it wasnt really "real", but still....
Oh yeah, I definitely have the worry about it working, despite the fact that I am still in the rapid weightloss stage. I think all those years of failure, that we have ALL had in trying to lose, sticks with us and makes us feel this way.
Lisa L.
Hi Deb - you are definately not alone! I, too, have experienced the worry that I won't lose the weight I need to; that I won't keep it off after I lose it; that I'll develop a complication of some sort and have to be hospitalized; and on, and on, and on. I guess this is very natural for us all to be feeling but it sure doesn't make it easier to deal with.
I try to look on the bright side of things when I'm having these feelings....I'm complication-free so far, I have had no nausea, vomiting, food intolerance or pain, I'm losing weight steadily and I already feel better than I did prior to surgery just because I have dropped some pounds.
And thankfully we have this forum to come to so we can air our fears and questions with people who are in the same place we are.
Warm regards......Bonnie

Hi Bonnie,
You definitely say exactly how I feel right now. Its amazing how much I worry about every little thing, yet I tell my self stop it, I am doing so much better. I am off diabetic medicines, my blood pressure is excellent. So I am seeing so many pluses already. And yes its great to be able to just talk and say how we feel. talking to others helps so much, especially when others know where your coming from.
I definitely worry that this won't work for me. I haven't lost anything in almost 3 weeks! I lost 21lbs the first week home..granted most was probably water, but I like I said, I haven't lost anything since. I'm eating just fine. I don't eat over 600 calories, most days I get 60 grams of protein, though I'm having a harder time with my water. But I'm really trying to be patient. I have had days where I experience every emotion under the sun. It's really odd. But we'll eventually straighten out... I hope!
I get nervous. I keep thinking I'm going to be a strange fluke , lose 40 lbs then never lose another pound. I've also have had a pretty easy recovery so far and I keep thinking that it can't be this easy that something is going to go wrong. Every once in awhile I feel like crying but I've been doing pretty good mood wise. My surgery was 4/20 and I've been feeling really good for awhile and then all of a sudden yesterday I felt really tired, I am still tired today even though I slept well last night. I am in good spirits most of the time but this stuff does go through my head.