What did you do today?
Hi I posted yesterday about keeping the board updated on progress or non-progress.
So I am first.
Today was my first post-op appointment (3weeks) I have lost 10% of my excess body weight. My doctor told me to get moving with the walking and increase my meals (6 a day) so my body will not go into starvation mode.

I'm 4 weeks out and am back working full-time. Doesn't leave a lot of time to do anything exciting. The weather has been rainy so I didn't even get to go for my walk at lunchtime. I go to the nutritionist tomorrow and hope to be put on Phase 4 foods. I'm so tired of pureed foods! That's it for me.

Hi Heidi & All my fellow April babies,
I am 2 weeks post-op and finally starting to learn my pouch. My head still doesn't believe what my stomach is telling me. At first I did not understand what my stomach was telling me either. That was very hard, I was very confused. But now I am starting to get it.
I knew I did alot of eating that was not really hunger, but I really did not realize how often my head was telling me to eat more at meal-times when I did not need that much. Today, I had one boiled egg for breakfast, got full, and realized I probably should have stopped a bite or two earlier, because I felt a little too full. 10 minutes later, I still felt full, but my head was trying to tell me I needed to go back to the kitchen and eat more. It has been amazing to me the past 2-3 days to realize how mismatched my head and my hunger are.
Thank the Lord for giving me WLS to help conquer this illness of obesity. Each day is a little better and I learn something new about myself and my Lord!
Heidi L-S
Hey Heidi
YES the head hunger is horrible.. man.. I was in Kroger looking through the organic aisle.. looked at all the sugar free cookies... now I had eaten and I KNOW I was not hungry.. but in my mind I was like buy them.. and eat a couple in the car on the way home.. never mind I no where near having solids..
You know I am addicted to egg beaters.. but maybe I will try boiled eggs in the am.. I have read a couple of profiles where boiled eggs are a breakfast staple along with some turkey bacon..
and yes Heidi .. thank God for giving all of us the GIFT of WLS..
Thanks for sharing
Heidi 2

I havent really had any head hunger until today... My mother and I were walking down the frozen isle and I saw the pizza. Oh I love pizza. Part of my mind said buy it, buy it and eat a couple when you get home. But then of course the smarter side of my brain said, "HELLO!!!!! You couldnt even eat a bit of that right now." I am still on semi soft food diet right now. I had some chilli tonight at OOHHH it was so wonderful
I was able probably a jello pudding cup full of it. The beans must mash down pretty good.

Hey Heidi,
I will start back to work on Monday full time. I almost dread it. I still get real tired in the afternoons. I am drinking water and protein. I don't eat alot yet. I have been okayed to eat pureed foods but I am not interested in them. I hope I figure out this eating thing. I just rather drink instead of worry about it.
I am real proud of your weight lose. Keep up the good work. Thanks for all the encouragement that you give to us. We do need to talk more so that we don't feel so alone.
Thanks for all you do.
God Bless

I know what you mean about afternoon naps.. I am working part time and have class on a couple of days a week.. and I try to take naps after class.. its SO refreshing..
I understand about pureed foods.. I dont see anything appealing to puree ...lol.. I do like mashed potatoes though.. I think about using all the broth from my liquids stage and my Soy milk to make a nice bowl of taters..lol.. too many carbs though.. I think.. its a fav I will use as a treat ... waayyy later..
You know when I was meeting with the dietician (sp) and exeriseologist.. lol .. they both talked about someone keeping you accountable through out this journey.. and I thought wow they are right.. I havent any support groups in my area.. (small town) and gas is too expensive to drive to the next town.. so I decided to at least TRY to keep the board going with my progress and hopefully others will jump in too.
Be Blessed