when to buy a bathing suit
I figure the one I have will last for a bit. I really haven't come up with a real plan as to when I'll buy or even what sizes.
What I HAVE thought about is that a suit will usually stretch at least one size, sometimes 2. Like if you wear a 20 you can probably get away with buying an 18 swim suit and wearing it until you're a 16...if that makes sense.
I have been thrying to find someplace to buy them CHEAP but not used. (Something about a used swimsuit is icky to me...it's like wearing used panties.)
I'm not sure Lulu but I have several different sizes already including one down to a size 14 so I might be set. Now I'm just waiting for the pool to open (it is heated) and permission to go into it. I'm hoping that by the time it should open Memorial Day I should be good to go. My knee takes swimming a lot better than walking.
I have a few swimsuits going down a few sizes so I'll be ok. Once July hits I'll probably buy a new one that should last me through the summer.
If you're worried about saggy skin, buy a tankini with a skirt. Hides a multitude of sins
They also have them with some stomach support in them that would help that area too.
I need to have quite a few swimsuits because I'm in the pool constantly as soon as it's warm out. I'm usually in a suit all day every day. My favorite are the skirted tankinis, it's the most flattering suit I've found.

I am tanning in my back yard with a strapless tube top and rolled up shorts - so I wont be concerned about tan lines... but for the swimming part - I have a few bathing suits in assorted sizes (from my past) to get me through this first year. I would NOT buy anything new. I would hunt garage sales or get hand me downs... until I see what I am going to end up with next year. I spent $200 on 3 bathing suits last summer before my surgery - in BIG sizes - not knowing I would have the surgury so quick... and I am sorry I did! GOOD SUITS are expensive - and let's face it... we are going to need GOOD SUITS when we are down to "GOOD" - we will need lots of shaping and support. xxxx