I'm a dirty girl
Call me a goodie goodie or whatever you like. I asked my surgeon if I could have sashimi at my two week checkup. I figured "hey, it's soft food", but he said no, not for another week. So, I hung my head and did what I was told. Now, I have ADD and I'm the most impetuous person I know, but I did as he said.
You want to know why?
I thought about scar tissue and strictures and sutures and leaks. I still have scabs and such on the outside, so I know the inside is even worse off.
I tried everything else for two years and I was dying NOT to have surgery, literally, until there was no other alternative.
I decided that the guy who stitched me this new belly probably knows how much it can handle. I researched him carefully and choose him and choose to trust him and I didn't want to play any "rebellion" games that could damage what he had done.
As it turns out, at 3 weeks when I tried some sashimi, it went down like a bowling ball through a garden hose, so I'm moving slowly with some VERY flaky salmon before I move on.
I know it is tempting to have "just a little," especially now that we are on the losing side, but just remember all of the negatives that brought you to this point and how hard you had to work to get this far.
If the doc says a few more days, you might want to listen to him (or her) and you might be better off.
I'm happy for everyone that is doing well and I'm glad your food went down fine. I'm just urging a little caution. Just because they have gotten this surgery down to a slick science doesn't take away the fact that it IS MAJOR SURGERY.
Have a great day.

Thanks Denise. I call my doc's nurse, she asked if it went down fine I said yes and the rest is basically the same as Emily said further up. Thanks guys for your responses. truthfully I feel that the docs know to some extent we will all slip up here or there with food ,we were all morbidly obese...that means we have food issues. Lets see if the person whose the first to go for something sweet will tell, hmmmmm. Somebody's gotta do it. But whose gonna admit it. Good luck to all of us!