I'm a dirty girl
I'm a cheater. I'm only the soft food stage and I'm suppose to wait to add seafood to my diet on May 8th, but I already started and it's good. I'm great about measuring 2 oz and everything. I'm just big on having "meat". So I'm bad I admit it, I'm just wondering is anybody cheated to some sort yet. Not supporting it, just wonder if I'm the only bad egg.
well lulu,
cant say i cheated but my surgeon put me on the next stage a week earlier because I wasnt getting enough protein. but technically if you are eating shrimp that is still soft as long as you chew it well and it wasnt like you ate a piece of cake or a taco or something bad. I think you did ok just be careful and try not to eat too much until your doc tells you too.
hugs lisa
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Oh, no I hope I can resist that tempation forever hopefully. I have no desire for bad foods as of yet. You know, I bet if I would have just asked to start the seafood a week earlier he probably would have given me the go ahead, he said it was just to make sure I could tolerate it. Duh! Maybe I'll call today and ask, that way I don't feel dirty about it anymore. Oh and yes, I 100% agree, I never guesstimate my servings, ALWAYS MEASURE! yep yep yep.
Don't feel bad, I started eating Tuna about a week before I went to see my Dr again. I NEEDED something a little different besides what I was eating. I told him that I did that, his response...."Only you know your bounds" I am on regular foods now, and I take his advice, I will try anything with in moderation. I won't know I can't have it until I try. Like SF Jello Pudding cups.... NO GO
Hummas..... I have been living off it
So don't listen to people who scold you for "cheating".. its not like you ate a choc. bar... you had some SEAFOOD!! I had my first seafood the other night for dinner, it sat great in my stomach and was sooo good!