14 days post op and returned to work
Hey everyone! I returned to wokr today and wow. I mean, it's funny how lots of my friend have lost like 50 pounds before someone even realized they lost weight, and then people say they look like they've lost "a little" weight. Well, I'm down 14 pounds and I returned to work. Everyone loved to new hair cut (I cut 4-5 inches off) and they were shocked, like wow, you already look like you've lost alot of weight! And then one guy came to my desk and i was sitting down and he was like, hey! you look like you've lost alot of weight already and it's funny cause you look taller now and your teeth look wayyyyyy whiter, LMAO! Then my mother in-law said my complexion looks so much clearer (which i have no idea why, but it actually does!) and then other members of the family said I actually look like i'm becoming a lighter tone, LOL! I mean this is all so funny to me because I've not even lost a drastic amount of weight and everone was making such a big deal! But it's nice to know I didn't have to wait till 50+ pounds lost before people realized.

that is great you are back to work I go back may 24th and cant wait i do some lifting i work in surgery so my doc wants me to take 6 weeks no lifting and it has been very hard I am on week 4 and dying cant wait to get my life back to normal yea i understand what you mean about people noticing things like skin, the only thing I notice about my self is the fact that I have a neck lol as far as the rest well I dont notice it yet but it feels good to get the compliments......
hugs and love