G-tube removal
Hi Deb,
I was wondering the same thing . I go on Monday the 8 th to get mine removed . I was also wondering ...Did you get drainage from your G-tube site ? I know I do and was your's painful while it was in ? Mine is , more at time's then other's but it is pain .
I hope all went well today with getting it out and all !

hi, It was a breeze. I was prepared for pain and I never felt a thing except relief when it was removed today LOL.....
yes, I drained it once daily and then put in a couple ounces of water to keep it open. and yes it did hurt. I started using hydrogen perxiode and changing the dressings once or twice a day and it really really helped. Now if I walked a really long time the tube just would irritate it and it would hurt more that night.
How are you doing since surgery?
Hi Deb,
Thing's are going pretty darn good since my surgery !
I have been able to tolerate everything that I have tried so far . The refried bean's that I tried were making me really gassy so I stopped them for now and I will try them later . I have had alot of gas pain's and diarrhea for about 4 or 5 day's but that has gotten alot better now .
The bean's did not help it that was for sure !
I have a quite a bit of energy but do tend to tire easily . I have lost 18 lbs since surgery on the 20 th 6 of that though was water weight that I gained just from the IV fluid's ! I feel better each and every day ! I am eating 6 to 8 tbls. of food 3 x a day . I feel like that is too much food for being just 13 day's out but I am following my surgeon's order's and at lunch and dinner on my sample menu (Nut. gave me ) she has me eating 8 tbls. but I normally only eat 6 tbls. sometime's eight !
So what do you think ? Does it sound like too much to you ?
How much are you eating ? I am getting in all my fluid's too . My surgeon has me drink 16 oz. before each meal starting an hour before the meal then I am suppose to eat following that . Then I am not to drink for the next 3 hour's . At first it took me 2 hrs. + to get that 16 oz. in but now I am on it !
The G-tube hurt's though . Like you said by night it really start's to hurt . I don't have to drain mine though or put in water to keep it open . I just have to change the dressing when I shower and that's it ! I however change it on a daily basis whether I shower or not and I change it twice a day as well. He said just to use soap & water !
What I meant when I said "do you have drainage ?" was from the hole that it is in, around the tube ? I have some bloody and white-ish color drainage around it coming out of the hole ! It concern's me and I was wondering if it was normal ?
My surgeon said I would have some pain there but I don't remember him mentioning any drainage from there ?
Sorry this is so long !
Thank you for the up and up on how it felt getting it out ! I am sure it is such a relief !
I can't wait to get rid of mine !
So tell me ....How are you doing since surgery?

yes, I had some drainage and it was kinda a bloody puss looking stuff. not green or anything but just some discharge. The doctor said it was perfectly normal and that the body sees the tube as a object that shouldn't be there so it does it.
I have a different protocol on food and water. I am to drink 64 ounces of water a day and to get 60 grams of protein a day( protein powder drinks). Food is kinda on the last of the list. I probably eat about 4 to 6 tablespoons a day. We are to drink water all day but stop 1/2 hours before eating and then anywhere from 1/2 hour to 1 hour resume drinking again. Your weightloss sounds fantastic! I lost 22 pounds in two weeks, that is minus the water gain at the hospital. it has slowed down now.
I am having my G-tube removed next Friday. (Hopefully, if I'm getting all of my fluids in) I will have had it in for 4 weeks. I used mine to give myself medicine, protein shakes, and water. Came in handy the first two weeks. Now I'm trying to get all of my fluids in by mouth, so I just flu**** twice a day. I can't wait until it comes out. I also had a JP drain for two weeks. That was nasty and it left a nasty hole when it came out.
I agree it does come in handy to get in your fluids and such. Its a pain having it but it does help. Does your doctor require the g-tube to be in longer? I had my jp tube removed at 1 week so I never had to deal with it much..
How are you doing? do you think your getting all your fluids and proteins in? I think I am doing ok.