Don't want to eat or drink, almost 3 weeks out.
Nothing tastes good to me. Mentally everything sounds great but once it's in front of me I just go blech. Plus I've been in a stall (because I'm not eating or drinking enough) so my solution emotionally is to eat less. This surgery is great, I'm never hungry but I'm scared I'm hurting my chances for sucess.
So far cottage cheese tastes decent, everything else is ick. SF pudding and jello is too sweet, ice pops too cold. I've tried strained seafood bisque, strained cream of brocoli, beef broth, chicken broth, wonton soup sans solids, tomato soup, and even home made chicken soup. The home made stuff was ok but now it's gone and I don't think I can convince my mom to make more.
Oh and my husband made me a small smoothie with banana and protien and
splenda sweetened vanilla ice cream. It was too sweet but the flavor of the ice cream was good. I didn't know he had used it until after I had some. Of course now I feel guilty about that too.
Hot tea with lemon and splenda (decaf!) is good but my old standby crystal light ice tea is nasty. I don't like water either, never have.
I'm cold and tired all the time, I am not losing and I'm bummed. I am shrinking slowly.
I know your tastes change post op but I wish I could find SOMETHING to subsist on!
My nut. said I could start mush tomorow so my plan is below.
Tomorow I am going to make some salmon, some shrimp salad, some egg salad and some chopped liver paste. I'm going to TRY SF applesauce and baby fruits w/o sugar and mushed beans with cheese and sour cream.
Is this part of some scheme to make me stop loving food? It's working. But I need to eat dangit!

Hi Beth,
I can't relate because my surgery isn't until Thurs but I CAN relate about the water. I have never been a water drinker and the past month I've been forcing myself to drink it because I know it's important anyway but especially after this surgery.
You are right, you DO need to find something that you can eat though. Just try not to get discouraged. And don't feel guilty about getting SOMETHING in you. I've known people who have gone through the same thing you're going through and it WILL get better. One of my friends couldn't handle much at all and especially the pureed food. Her doctor let her skip it and just this evening I talked to Lisa F. who had surgery the same day as you (i think) and she's had a rough few weeks. She hasn't found much she could eat either. Her doctor has also allowed her to skip the pureed and start on some solids. Maybe you could email her and share some ideas/thoughts btw the two of you.
Not getting enough protein is probably why you're tired all the time. And you need your liquids or you're going to get dehydrated.
I wish you all the best and hope that the new things you're going to try will settle well with you.
It didn't take long for me to get sick of soups. Warm things always felt best on my tummy for sure. One thing I found that I loved, was mashed pinto beans with a little bit of lowfat cheddar cheese. YUM! Scrambled egg also works really well!
I know how you feel about not losing fast enough, but you need to make yourself eat.
Hi Beth,
I am sorry to hear you are having a hard time I too was having a hard time in the beginning getting my protein in, liquids are a breeze for me I drink lots of frozen water, maybe you could try some flavored water see if that doesnt help, or add some lemon to the water,what about some protein shakes like the atkins ones its protein and really need to find ways to get protein in, my doc was concerned about the protein cause you can become malnurished if you dont get enough so now I drink the atkins shakes, and eat the southbeach protein bars it takes alot of chewing but i am getting my protein
I eat alot of string cheese, I put cheese on everything I eat my soups, potatoes, beans,I had a friend of mine who had the surgery tell me to ea****ermelon it is cold it has a lot of water so try that and see what you think just chew chew chew......hope that this helps you best of luck kyou need anything feel free to email me