Good Night and Good Luck.
I have visions of oversleeping tomorrow like the family did on Home Alone
... I can just see my very plump self trying to run through customs at the airport
. I need to
but I'm so hyped up is it possible? I haven't seen the movie yet but I just had an
that maybe if I could dream of George McDreamy Clooney I'd drift right off....
I'mmmmm off.
Good Night and Good Luck.

i honestly didn't think i'd have time with packing and everything i had to get done to get back on the computer tonight. that's why i posted last night that i wouldn't be posting again before i leave. but i finished and have been twiddling my dees and twiddling my dums. you all don't need/have to rely to this. i'm just
my thoughts.

Lisa, Don't stress on the sleep honey, it will catch up with you after the surgery, promice. Don't be shy in requesting pain meds when you feel the need, this a major plumbing overhaul, why didn't I listen more closely, I'm doing so well, but I am still zonked more than I think I should be, just be superwife, mom and friend to yourself for the next week or so, you deserve and need it. God, please continue sending nudges to Lisa as she needs and please continue sending the blessings as is your will, not hers. Hold her to your heart and let her know the peace you offer in her times of need. Let your angels surround her and send her strength as she has sent to so many here at OH. AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!