Who had a WOW moment(s) this week?
Good Morning Everyone,
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and have a terrific week ahead of you.
My WOW moments this week were:
Can you say, FINALLY getting into a size 6!?! I used to only dream of a size 6 but, it has now become reality for me.
My second WOW moment was Tracy my man telling me I had a boney butt.
Come on out
and share your WOW moments with us. We
love to hear you brag on yourself.
Have a great week.

HI Gina!
congrats on getting in a size 6! I think I wore a size 6 at birth
My WOW moment for the week was actually getting THROUGH the week last week!
I'm planning on having a fantabulous upcoming week though... I'll soon be on my way. Looking forward to sharing REAL post-op WOW moments! Take care. Lisa

My WOW moment was about the scale, but also about more. It took me the better part of a year to get the decision made, get the preop tests done and get to the surgery. The whole time I was fighting to get it done, but in my head, somewhere, I was thinking "this will work for everyone else, but not for you. Nothing ever works for you, no matter how hard you try."
But, when I got on the scale this morning, I was 328 pounds. (Highest weight ever is 380 and presurgery weight is 355.) I'm 12 days post-op, but I nearly cried when I saw that the scale had actually moved that much. I've lost 27 pounds in 12 days. I've been walking alot and trying to be the perfect patient, but actually seeing the scale I thought, "WOW, this might actually work." I had never allowed myself to believe that down deep.
When that finally sinks in all the way, I probably will cry.
Thanks for asking.