Surgery postponed..have to go to May forum
Hi Everyone,
I was supposed to have my surgery this coming Monday, but got a call yesterday that it has been postponed to the following Monday--May 1st. Apparently my surgeon had a family emergency & has had to leave town for a few days. At first I was so bummed out, but then I realized that it's only a 1 week difference so it's not the end of the world.
Well, good luck to all that will be having their surgery this month, I guess I'll be going to the May surgery date forum.
Take care & thanks for listening.

Hi Lesley,
Thank you for the prayers, there is nothing better than that!
I am glad the secret pal gifts made it to you safely.
I made a commitment and wanted to keep up my end of the bargin!
My daughter, Gracie, is doing well. She developed a complication (protein overload) mid week. This resulted in the feeding tube being removed! YEAH! We had her back to the dr. yesterday and had more blood work done. She is moving in the right direction as far a recovering from the protein overdose. .
For now (and hopefully forever) the feeding tube is gone! She is happy and acting normal. We just have to get her GI and weight situation back on track. We go to the pediatrician on Thursday and to a GI & feeding specialist on Friday. We have a standing appointment with the pediatrician every week, he is tracking her like a hawk.
Thank you for offering to be her secret pal, that is very kind and generous of you. Her name is Gracie Irene and our address is 10303 Lark Rdg. Houston, TX 77070. I don't have a PO box, so don't try to figure me out just yet!
She is 19 months old and loves everything. She has a very joyful and happy spirit. Today I bought her a little purple purse that has Angel written on it. She carried it around so cute.
I put a few pictures of her on this fake profile if you would like to look at them.
How are you doing with your weight loss? How is the whole WLS prosess going for you.
Things are going well for me, I am down 62 pounds. The WLS process is good. I have days but who doesn't. I will visit with my surgeon next week for my 3 month follow up. I am anxious to see where my labs are.
God bless,
Your pal

Hey Andrea
One week is not so bad, just consider it a blessing. Use the time to continue preparing. Stock up on post-op items and enjoy. I know the waiting is the worst. Mine is coming up and I just want to get it done and over with. Goodluck and I will be saying a prayer for everything to go well for you.