5 days post op...have questions?!?!?!
i am now 5 days post op and i have a few questions...my doctor is starting me on scrambled eggs, yogurt, and mashed potatoes.... this morning i had 3/4 of one egg and i felt a lil full so i stopped eating. my question is....have any of u been at this time post op and starting these items...im curious as to how much should i be able to eat..like 1oz, 2oz?? i kno..eat until ur full, i just like to have a general idea before i make the food... also, what kind of schedule were u on? like how often did you eat during the day and stuff??? please respond quickly if you have any ideas!!!! thanks!!!!!!
Andrea RYN-4/17/06
255lbs(4/16)/266(hospital gain from liquids)now down to 248lbs
i am 4 days out and i am not allow to start eggs mashed potoatoes or any thing like that till i see my doc or friday which is day after surgery..
I been get full on on glass of protien shake.. So weird.. I was told you would not be able to eat or drink but couple of oz at a time when feel full stop... I was to ld to eat when hungery but try to stay to 3 times a day.. if necessary can have one snack but try not to...
DEbi lapband 4/19/06
Andrea - I am almost 2 weeks post op and will be on full liquids for 1 more week (yogurt, creamed soups, pudding). The max I am allowed to eat is 1/2 cup per meal and I need to take 30 minutes to eat (at least).
I have protein shake for breakfast, full liquid choic for lunch, protein shake before dinner, full liquid choice for dinner and push water during the other times. Whew! No wonder I'm not hungry.
Life has been very crazy here in the northeast! We had several days of rain last weekend which flooded our basement (Which nearly never floods) but after that we had BEAUTIFUL spring time weather! I have been trying new things (something called NIA, which is a mix of Martial Arts, Dance and Yoga) as well as Yoga walking and my regular gym routine. Now if I could get my lab to just WALK on a leash (no way) he is very close to weighing MORE THEN ME! (poor pooch) but daddy thinks over feeding him = LOVE! (so many of us had/have those thoughts)
I just have to gently remind DH that it is bad for the dog.... but gently, because DH really gets offended!
I am getting ready for 3 BIG trips! Going to Florida (YES, FLORIDA!) over memorial day to visit a friend, Then a cruise in July (early July) and Vegas liddle of July (when it rains it pours!)
Hope you are enjoying Life as much as I am!
Sweet Mammy
I'm 10 days post op and my doc only wants me drinking water and Ensure. I now officially hate Ensure. My doc appt is on Monday and praying for pureed foods or soft!! But I know I will premeasure everything!!!! I'm used to that from Weigh****chers anyway. If my stomach is the size of an egg then I will try to eat 1 egg, maybe less, but no more.
I am glad you liked your gift! Looking forward to sending next month's gifts.
Here are a few questions to help me get to know you!
1. Do you like perfume...What kind?
2. What are your favorite things to do?
3. Favorite candy?
4. What makes you smile?
5. What color is your vehicle?
Can you tell me anything that you need or want?
Sending you good thoughts! Have a great week!
Wow soft foods already. I will be on full liquid until 2 weeks post-op. We were told 1/4 to 1/2 cup of food per meal once we get on soft foods, and that due to the recentness of surgery, it should be closer to the 1/4 cup. Also we wer told only 3 meals a day, possible a snack mid afternoon.
Good Luck, Heidi L-S
First I'm happy that your home and on the road to recovery!Whats helping me 13 days post-op is the book Weightloss Surgery for Dummies it has been my best friend.here are some of the serving suggestions they have for puree stage Hope this helps gives you an idea of portion sizes
1/2 cup nonfat milk pouch cream of wheat,1/4 c cottage ch 1% with a 1/4 c unsweet applesauce,1 egg w/1ounce ch,1/2 c oatmeal with banana
4 ounces dannon yougurt 1 ounce can peaches,1 can cream chk soup,1/4 up refried beans 2tbls avocado 1/4 cup salsa,3 ounces skim riccota vanilla extract splenda(very yummy) 3 ounces pureed chk 1 ounce mashed potato 2tbls pea and carrots
1/2 c refried beans 1 ounce cheese 1tbls ff sour cream,2 ounces fish(cod flounder, salmon)1 cup mashed sweet pot, 2ounces chk salad 1 cup green beans,3 ounces tuna salad,1 can split pea soup,
this should give you some
of portion size I was worried****il I bought this book) about eating to much this has really helped alot it has every stage of the surgery and eating and alot of helpful information.
feel free to email me lots of love DONNA
[email protected]

The best shake ever is Dymatize Brand Elite Chocolate Mint. I like it so much that I buy it in 5 lb. tubs on-line from http://ww1.betterbodz.com/cgi-bin/shop/item/D003 I'm sure they sell it in smaller containers or you could go to bariatriceating.com & get a sample of it. I found the betterbodz website to be much cheaper than hers & is here within a few days & it takes a couple of weeks w/bariatriceating.com. 1 scoop of powder has 23 grams of protein, 2.5 grams of carbs, 1 gram of sugar, 1.5 grams of fat, & 112 calories. I mix it w/8 oz. of Hood's Carb Countdown Chocolate Milk which is 90 calories & 5 grams of carbs, 2 grams of sugar, 5 grams of fat, & 8 grams of protein.
Anyhow, I end up w/a drink that has 31 grams of protein, 3 grams of sugar, 7.5 grams of carbs, 6.5 grams of fat, & 202 calories. And it's yummy. I started out w/smaller portions right after surgery, but now I do the full 8 oz. Just this week I started putting it into my blender w/crushed ice & it's incredible. I get this huge, thick shake & it is so satisfying & takes me longer to drink & seems to keep me satiated longer.
So far all of my friends who "can't stomach the grainy protein shakes" love my find.