Bye Bye to Drains Does it hurt
Hi Everyone
So I'm 10 days post-op and today is my followup visit. Drains are coming out today and I'm shakin in my big girl panties.
Does it hurt ?I hope I don't do the
thing.So far my recovery has been great ,I've been tolerating food very well.I hope all goes well today I should feel much better after this they are very uncomfortable and sore.
wish me luck lol Donna

Take some meds about an hour before you will see the doctor just in case. From what I've heard (i'm still pre-op so I can't say from experience yet) it does hurt/sting pretty good but it's over so fast you barely have time to react to it. Then you feel a TON better once it's out.
I'm not looking forward to the drain removal either so be sure to let me know how it goes!