Roll call-post op'ers!
WOW... this is incredible to see so many posts. I'm sorry that I'm just seeing them. But it's wonderful to know that every one who's posted is doing good or as good as can be expected so soon after surgery. Thank you all so much, and hopefully this has also helped others. There's good info here and much inspiration and encouragement to those of us who are still pre-op. I'm sorry to those of you who are having more difficulties than others but remember that it is only temporary and this phase will soon be behind us all.
Some of you made me laugh, and today, that's a good thing
~Peace & Love ~ to you all!

I had my surgery on April 13. Everything went well. I was released from the hospital on Sunday, April 16. I'm having a hard time getting in my 10 cups of liquid plus eating pureed food. I have mainly been putting my liquid in my G-tube and drinking my blue Power-Ade. I have already had an episode of dumping. I thought I would be smart and get a jump on those ten cups. I put my protein shake and 120cc of water in my G-tube. By the time I finished with the water, I was nauseated. Then came the sweating. I ran to my bed to lie down. Then came the bm. Not a nice experience. I remember laying there hoping I would just fall asleep! I did sleep for several hours, until my husband woke me up to drink. What a terrible experience! I never want to experience it again! Of course, this episode cost me precious time in getting my liquids in. Oh well, I guess it was a learning experience. I have been walking three times a day. Not far because I get tired and winded, but I guess the movement is what is important. OK, well I'm off to put some more water in my G-tube!