Roll call-post op'ers!
I've really been trying to keep up with everyone and have been going back and forth between the list of April surgeries to the board to see who's posted that they're home. But...there are a lot of surgeries this month and
I'm lost.
Everyone here has given me so much support and encouragement...
I love you all and just want to know if you're home and how everyone's doing. If you wouldn't mind just respond with a quick
, knock knock, GAS, OUCH, $@#.... something.......

Hi Lisa,
I'm home and recovering. I have a lot of swelling in my feet, and the runs that are getting old fast. I came home on no blood pressure meds was on 2), no cholesterol meds (was on 3), and only glucophage for my diabetes and I will probably be off that soon. The only ones I kept were the allergy meds (and I haven't taken the allegra yet) and the med I take for my Restless Leg Syndrome. The RLS bothered me more in the hospital than the pain from the surgery because I just couldn't get comfortable. The epidural was great, I did have a lot of muscle soreness from the retractors and the positions they had me on the table.
Hi Lisa- Had surgery on Monday the 10th and came home Tues evening around 4 pm. I'm through with the "gas problem" so far and I also had liquid stool that started in the hospital after the swallow test (Barium).
Aside from exhaustion, the main problem I'm having now is lightheadedness. I have been moving around in the house and in the yard. I want to take a walk but I feel lightheaded so I'm kinda scared to. I am pushing protein and fluids.
Surgery on the 10th, which I came out of like a champ (seriously, the nurses all thought I was lying about having surgery), came home on the 12th, everything's been great.
I am, however, SUPER TICKED at my job... They won't let me come back to work without a doctor's release. The reason this is hilarious is because they don't want me hurting myself and claiming worker's comp... I'm freaking in charge of accident reduction! WHY would I do that??? Lame.
So yeah, I've decided to make the most of it and actually enjoy having some time to myself and to use it to learn how to take care of my new system... It has been hard, but I'm getting the hang of it now.
Biggest problrm has been the FOUL B.O. I'll be looking for that super special deodorant today!