Hi, new here with questions.
Hi, This is my first post. I had surgery on 4/11. My question to those of you who have had surgery already (sorry it's personal) is when where you able to pass gas and have you had a bowel movement yet?? I think I would be so much more comfortable if i could just get rid of some of this gas and bloating. Burping helps a littlle as does the gas x but not enough. Sorry my first post was so interesting. lol. I usually have a great sense of humor that I'm sure will come out in later post. Krista
Hi Krista
And welcome to the April board!
I haven't had surgery yet but friends who have said walking, laying down and rolling from side to side helped too. When I had my Lap hysterectomy, I was having so much gas pain in my back and up my shoulders, it was awful. If they hadn't of taken my uterous I'd of sworn I was giving birth. Finally they had to (now it's my turn for getting personal
) put this little tube thing up my butt to release the gas. It was quite embarrassing but at that point I'd of done about anything and it reaaaaally helped. That's one thing I'm dreading again... and hoping it won't be as bad.
It's only been two days for you and if you had your surgery Lap, they really fill ya with gas. Each day will get better. Hang in there!