Got all my preop done yesterday!!! Dreaded getting on the scale.
.haven't been on 1 since i started seeing this surgeon and that was in early 2004!!!!! I have gained 23lbs since then!!!
I was shocked, I actually expected it to be alot more.. I lost my brother in oct 05 and my dad in dec 05 and i know that is probably when i put alot of it was such a roller coaster of emotions during that time that it seemed only food was comforting me....anyway this is suppose to be a good post
i do have a WOW moment.... when talking to the surgeon he of course set my goal weight.... mind you i now weigh 421lbs (depending on which scale I used, his or the hospitals but i'll use the highest) anyway....he set my goal weight at 148lbs..
..OMG.... my jaw hit the floor.... he said its ok...i know it seems unreachable but you can do it!! I told him I haven't weighed that since elementary school!!! that is a total weight loss of 273lbs!!!!!
I just know that i'm going to use this and get healthy that is my number 1 concern.... being smaller don't hurt of course LOL!!!!!!!!
Countdown is on less than 5 days!!!! I'm due for surgery at 7:30 am..on the 17th. i'm the first one of the morning!!!! I'm so excited and can't wait to be on the losing side!!!!!