Last Day of REAL Food!!!!!
Well This is my Last day to eat real food. Start a two week liquid diet after 12 A.M. I am ready! This might be tough but i still can't wait! I need to start a food journal and start keeping track of my liquids and protein. Better start that now i hear it will come in handy after surgary! Wish me luck!
The three of us are the 27th!!
I don't have to do the pre-op diet either. Even though my surgeon says they've not seen much of a difference in liver size after the liquid diet, I thought anything to help them have better access to my guts would be something. So I was thinking of maybe doing it anyway at least a few days or maybe a week before. Plus the less going in my mouth, the less will have to come out the other end .
Good luck with it, Adam... and did you have something gooooood today?