Hello and hugs to my April brothers and sisters,
Just wanted to drop in and give my last minute support to all that need it and to let you know I go under the knife tomorrow and offically become a loser I am very nervous and excited all at the same time please just remember to keep me in your prayers as I know you all will and I will always keep you in mine.
To all the ones that have already had the surgery and the ones that are having it in the near future I wishe you all much success and a speedy recovery .........we made it
all my love and prayers go out to all of the lovely people I have encountered along my journey from here on OH it has been a privledge and a blessing to have met so many wonderful supportive people, I love each and everyone of you we are going to all be great successes until we meet again god bless you all and I will be back soon.....
hugs and kisses