OMG - it is finally almost here. I have to be at the hospital tomorrow at 6:15 AM and surgery is scheduled for 7:30. I'm so anxious and excited!!
This weekend I intended to do my shopping for the Phase 1 and Phase 2 diet that I will be on upon my release from hospital but I had a HUGE surprise and didn't get the chance. My 50th birthday was 3/27 and we were on vacation in Florida. My mom and dad invited me and my husband out to dinner on Friday, 3/31 to celebrate belatedly and when I walked into the restaurant my whole family (except my sister in FL who called instead and my son who lives in CA) was seated at a huge table and all cried out at once HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I was so surprised. After greeting everyone, I took a seat and a few seconds later a voice behind me said "Just wanted to personally wish you a happy birthday and deliver these flowers." When I turned, there was my son - he flew in for the weekend to attend the party! I did a double-take and jumped out of my seat to give him hugs and we all shed a few tears. It was the best surprise I've ever had! Needless to say I did not have much time for shopping and will have to do it tonight after work.
After taking vacation for a couple weeks, having a week to catch up at work and spending the weekend with my family, I just haven't had time to worry overmuch about tomorrow....and I think that is a good thing. I trust my surgeon and have faith that the lord will deliver me safely to the other side of this journey (all prayers gratefully accepted). As a WLS friend once posted "If He leads you to it, He will lead you through it."
I wanted to post this last time before surgery to tell you all how wonderful it has been getting to know you and I wanted to send blessings and good wishes to each of you as your own surgery dates approach. I will post again once I am home to let you know how things are going. God bless each of you!