Hi Latoya I am dealing with the same thing. I am doing a liquid fast for the next 3 days I hope to either get down to the weight that I was at my first visit or to have done that plus a few pounds more. My pre-op appt. is April 6 and my surgery is April 17. By the grace of God we will our surgeries on the dates they have given us.
My surgeons have everyone do a liquid diet for 2-3 weeks, to help you keep from gaining the last week or two. They probably won't cancel your surgery, but if you are having a lap procedure, they may have to convert it to open if there isn't room for them to work. I will e-mail you my liquid diet, just in case you want to try it on your own. Even if you end up of it a little (I found it hard to stay on), it may help you keep from gaining. Best of luck. Heidi L-S
Hi everyone
I think I have gained a few punds too since my last visit. My initial consultation with my Surgeon was in May of 2005. Almost a year ago, since then I think I gained almost 20 pounds
I haven't seen him since May 2005 because of insurance issues. I got approved and will finally get my surgery the last week of this month and I am scared.
Heidi i
If you don't mind, can you email me your liquid diet? I am only required to do a liquid diet one day before surgery, but I think I will do it one week before. I really don't want to be cut.

My surgery is scheduled for next Thursday, the 13th, and I have been gaining weight since the initial consultation. My eating disorder has gone into full gear with all the crazy thinking of "this is the last time I'll ever be able to eat this...." I am dreading the scale tomorrow at my last meeting with the surgeon because of the scale. Then Friday I see the anesthesiologist. Until this post it had not even occurred to me that they would cancel the surgery because I have gained weight. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow.
Heidi - I would really appreciate a copy of the liquid diet that you are using.
Thanks in advance.