OMG it is coming......THURSDAY is my new birthday
I cannot believe that in just a few short days, I will be able to say that I am POST OP. I don't feel too nervous when I am occupied, but when I am alone and left to my own mind starts to drift.....
I think about the GOOD things....positive outcomes....then I think....what if something goes wrong...what if Dr. Bo has a bad day.....what if .....what if......AUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....
I start my medical leave on MONDAY. I usually work 3-12 hour shifts (7pm to 7am) a week.....but I have to work Sunday...and was scheduled monday as well....With all my pre-op stuff to be done on monday mid-afternoon......there would be no time to sleep.... (and that was my last scheduled night prior to surgery).....
So the doc said that his usual out of work time is 2 weeks. My jaw hit the floor. My interior plumbing is being rerouted and having to learn to digest nutrients all over again and I have to go back to work in 2 weeks?
I have been saving money for the past year thinking I would be out at least 4 if not 6. I work as a Nurse on an intensive care unit and we have to push, pull and turn VERY HEAVY people who are (forgive the term) dead weight because they are so heavily sedated.
OMG.....what am I going to do?
My plan is to take it day by day. See how I feel, and when I go for my post-op appointment, go over my concerns with Dr. Bo. If I had a desk job and didn't have to do physical lifting, I would be fine with the thought of going back to work 2 weeks post op. When I started this journey...I had a desk-type nursing job and traded it in for the job I have now JUST FOR INSURANCE THAT WOULD PAY FOR WLS!!! (sorry, I get carried away).
Is this normal? Maybe I am just over-reacting. I had my appendix out a few years ago and I was out for 2 weeks because of the surgery and feeling like crap. THIS IS MORE MAJOR than that was...I think...?
UGH...sorry, I'm in a nervous wreck mode right now.
thanks for your patience

Hi Tracy,
First I'd like to say good luck ,an easy surgery and quick recovery. My surgery is 4/10
We just have to keep busy.
I'm a housekeeper by day and waitress by night .My surgeon said if I had a sit down job I could go back after 2 weeks but because I lift and push in my job it would be more like at least 4 weeks.Everybody recovers different I hope we recover quickly.
take care DONNA

Tracy you are another date twin of mine! I am having RNY surgery on Thursday as well. I am going to the states from Canada for it....we have a 5-12 year wait list in Ontario!! I think you are wise that you saved up and I think you should take off as much time as your body and mind thinks it needs. I am going to take it day by day as well but I told my employer that I would be gone for 4-6 weeks. I want to use my sick time to get into some fitness routine and get the whole eating thing figured out...I am not sure I could do it emotionally or mentally in two weeks.
I will send you good vibes on Thursday
You and I will have to compare post-ops. All good thoughts are being sent your way!

Isn't it crazy? I am scheduled Tuesday and have been going through many different emotions. I go from let's get this done to what the heck and I I am also very scared of the surgery. I have never had any surgeries. Two kids, both came out the traditional way, and nothing else. It is very scary.
I doubt if you will be back in two weeks, no worries, just tell the doctor your not ready. That is really quick. And if you are WOW your doing great right?
I wish you much luck and a very easy surgery and recovery.

I work in the Operating Room and my surgeon wants me to take 6 weeks because of lifting and pulling and plus I am a surgical tech so I am scubbed for 10 hours a day so she is worried about my hydration so I recommend you ask your surgeon and remind him that you work as a nurse HELLOOOOOOOOOOO lol sometimes they forget....
best of luck try and relax