INTRODUCTION~from an april baby
Hi everyone~
I just wanted to introduce myself and say hello to everyone who will be having surgery this month (my date is 4/5)...I wish you all the best as you go through your personal journey's, Best of luck to all of you for an uneventful surgery and speedy recovery.
I am so anxcious, excited, nervous, etc....etc... my head is spinnig
LOL~see all of you on the losing side;warmest regards to all

Hi Tiff,
My date is the 5th also, assuming I have thelast little kink worked out with my insurance. It's been up and down all along.
I got all my meds and am ready for the two hour ride. I am affirming I and the rest of us "April babies" will have an easy time and that our bodies willl lovingly accept the changes we are making to be healthier and happier.
I too have the jittery feelings - roller coaster, but I keep trying to focus on the high road and keep reminding myself why I am doing this.
I have lost 16 pounds pre-op and am smaller than I have been in over a year - maybe two. So, I feel that the fact I have been able to comply is a good sign.