fun EGD party time
Had EGD and blood gases today, boy that was fun. The blood gases hurt more than the EGD did, because they had to try both wrists. When I came out of that, I told my mom I was on suicide watch. She did not appreciate that.
What amazed me is once they had me hooked up to all the wires and stuff for the EGD and got the mouthpiece in, I don't remember ANYTHING.
One second I had the thing in and the anesthesiologist was telling me that they were starting the medication, the next I feel the bed moving. I asked them when they were going to start. The nurse laughed and said it was over. So anyone having this test soon should not worry about it at all. The most uncomfortable thing about the whole test was the blood pressure cuff.
On to more testing tomorrow! I think I am starting to see this as a reality now.
18 days, 15 hours to go!