Big Day April 19th
Hi there, I just got the call from Dr. Kam's office this morning and April 19th is the big day! I'm excited but also feeling a little scared. How long do you end up in hospital with lap RNY?
By the way, I just started coming into this site and am not great with a computer so bare with me. I have to say you guys sound great, really supportive & all!!!
Take care & good luck everyone

Hi Julia...First of all congratulations on your date...
I am very happy for you. It is normal to feel nervous I am doing the same thing.. I am even losing sleep at times. I brought a book called "Weight Lost Surgery for Dummies" and it is actually a good book. It comfort me at times. My doctor office advised I should only be in the hospital for 3 days if all goes well and with GOD on my side I know it will. So keep praying and keep yourself busy so you won't think about the surgery as much. Being busy is not a cure but it helps. I have cleaned out just about every drawer in my house. I will keep you in my prayers. Karen