Live video of a Lap RNY
I found something tonight that I was totally fascinated with. The anticipation and anxiety of my surgery next month led me web surfin' and I found this video. If you don't like seeing the insides of a person or stuff like this makes you queeeezy, don'****ch it. I'm nervous about my surgery so I think in a way watching it eased my mind a bit. It really portrays the confidence and experience of the surgeon and seemingly simple procedure.
And for a surgeon who IS experienced with such confidence, it made me realize how his/her's hour or so worth of recontructing our insides is minimal worries compared to the life-long years reconstructing that WE will have to do changing our current living and eating habits.
BUT....I'm pleased to say that I now have less fears and anxiety of the surgery itself. And hoping I'll have the same such confidence as my surgeon to be able to follow his post-op rules and guidelines for a healthy and successful journey.
Again I'll say, If you don't like watching stuff like this, don't. Some people do, so this is for ya'll.
Hang in there....... our month is almost here!!
let's try it ONE more time

Cc writes: That stapler scissor thing was amazing.
Wasn't it though? The whole thing was amazing.. at first I thought, now that looks like a chicken looks when you're cutting one up, then he got all in there and I saw stuff I always wondered what it looked like
. When the one dr read an email question from a viewer and asked what all that yellow looking stuff was, and the surgeon said, "FAT".. I laughed. Then he said, "unfortunately you can't take it out". Now wouldn't that be cool.. gastric bypass AND lipsuction all in one shot? : )

Congrats Lisa.
and thanks for the site I work in surgery and I actually have assist on these types of surgerys before so I know first hand what to expect and sometimes that makes me more fearsume then most cause I know what happens in the Operating room....It is truly amazing how they rearrange our pluming so to speak lol...........Best of luck to you hope tha tyou have a successful journey see you on the losing side