I Caught a Terrible Cold.....
Hi April Surgery Buddies!
Just checking in with everyone. How's things going? I caught a terrible cold this weekend (from my DH, no less). I usually can get through the winter without a cold, but not this year. It was so bad I went to the doctor's office yesterday for an antibiotic and an inhaler. Couldn't breathe....couldn't sleep. I feel somewhat better today, though. My DH sent some flowers to work just to cheer me up - couldn't stay out sick because it is month-end and I have to close the books, file the reports and open the new month. We leave on vacation (RV trip to Florida) next Thursday so I certainly hope I can get healthier by then!
I am getting more and more anxious as my surgery date approaches. Do we all second-guess our decision to have this surgery?
I'm keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers. Best wishes....

Hello Bonnie,
Sorry that you are sick
but just think better now then when it is time for surgery lol hope you get better soon.....anyhow second thoughts I have had second,thirds, fourths,etc............ as it gets closer I get more anxious but it is just nerves this is a huge surgery and we are going to be going through alot so we are letting the anxiety get the best of us I just keep giving it to god and it make s me feel better.....we have come so far and there is no turning back now, we deserve this life.....because I can speak for me and I am not really living right now the way I know I should be living.........
Have a great vacation in FLA.......will see you on the losing side.....


Thanks, Lisa - I am so looking forward to vacation. When I come back I have just one week at work and then I have my surgery! The time is just gonna FLY!
You're so right about letting the anxiety get the best of us....I don't talk to my husband about it because I know he is nervous enough on his own about the whole thing and I don't want to put any additional turmoil on his shoulders. I'm so glad we have this website....it is such a relief to be able to let out our hopes and fears with others who are in exactly the same position we are.
Thanks for responding....and I'm always here if you need an ear or a shoulder.

Since I've had a date, which hasnt been too long, I have second guessed myself. Am I doing the right thing? Is this what I really want to do? Is the risk worth it? I tell you I have been so anxious about WLS that I am in the process of filling out a Will and Last Testament. I have two girls, one 9 and one 2. Just in case, just in case, I want to make sure that they are properly taken care of. However, I know that God is on my side and I dont think he is finished with me yet... This just gives me a fresh start to serve Him better.
I'll keep you in my prayers.

Hi Jennifer,
I guess it is so normal for us to have the last minute jitters, now that we're actually scheduled, insurance approval is received and we are just waiting. That is when reality really seems to sink in.
I just love the outlook you have on the whole thing, though. I don't think God is finished with me yet either. Thanks for those words of comfort!
Sending best wishes your way.....