Plastic Surgery
Hi everyone. I just want to let you know that I am scheduled for a breast lift and reduction on March 23. Both my primary insurance and secondary insurance has agreed to pay which I am still shocked about. I won't believe it until the bill is paid!! It does depend on the amount of tissue that is removed and I am bordeline about that, but trust my surgeion will take care of it. I can't wait to have the girls smaller, firmer and back up where they should be. No implants as I don't want to do that unless I change my mind later and at 60 years old, I doubt it. Wish me luck Julia
Thanks Becky---I could use a thigh lift too but at 60 years old I don't think I will. Looks too painfull to me too and while they are wrinked they are not large and look o.k. in clothes. My legs do not cause me any pain or problems but my breasts are causing shoulder and back pain and must be done. That will make me look better in clothes too. I will let everyone know how it goes. Julia