low blood sugar-fatigued-gaining gaining weight-insomnia-a littel over 2 years out!

Check on it!
on 9/5/08 10:52 pm - Pearland, TX
I haven't posted in quite some time.  I am having some issues and decided to come to the board to get some advice.  My blood sugar gets so low, I've passed out while grocery shopping in walmart only to awaken with the basket flipped over and al of my groceries having flown out of the basket.  My blood sugar gets as low as 19.  When I "feel it" getting low, it's usually in the 30's.  I start consuming sugar to get it up and it takes HOURS for it to get back up to the point that it's sky rocket high by the time it does get up and I literally go into an almost "diabetic coma".  I feel drained and literally just fall asleep only to wake up 30min to an hour later wondering what time it is, what day is it, and what was I doing before I fell asleep?!  My friend was laughing last night when she thought about a time where she had some mini nilla wafers (LOVE them!).  I'm like ok, I'll have a few, knowing that I MAJORLY dump (heart races, I sweat, get REALLY hot and dizzy). So I have some and must have ate TOO many to where she comes out to find me passed out on the couch.  I finally wake up dazed and confused and she's like, WTH?!!!!  I mean it happens ALL Of the time to where I am a single parent to 4 and 5 year old little girls.  When I finally wake up from my "diabetic coma", they will say "mom, we kept trying to wake you up but you wouldn't!".   I get scared they won't know whether to call for hel*****t because they are used to me passing out like that.  I've even tested them and pretended to be comatose, and they will come in and slap me around and call me and I just don't move and they're like, oh ok, she's sleeping and won't get up, we'll just wait till she gets up". That is NOT cool!!!!  I have explained this to the Dr. over and over.  I've also explained that I am so fatigued, I have no energy.  When I eat, I get SOOOO sleepy and feel like something is sucking the life out of me to where my BF and I will have plans to go out or work out, and I'll eat, sit on the couch, fall asleep and an hour or two later he's mad at me because I "went into a coma" and ruined our plans!  I LOVE to workout, but at times I am SOOOO fatigued and drained.  I feel like I'm carrying around a 400 pound body!  I am up 20 pounds from my lowest weight and I don't know WHAT the heck to do.  I don't understand what is going on!  I don't eat nearly as bad as I used to.  I don't drink sugary drinks.  I HAVE started becoming addicted to carbs again.........maybe that's it?  I mean I don't understand how I can consume 1000 to 1500 calories a day, then go workout and burn off 500 calories and STILL gain weight!  I took hoodia for two weeks last month and lost 15 pounds and I stopped taking them because I was getting addicted to the energy (I LOVED IT!).  Well, I gained those 15 pounds back!  I just don't know WHAT to do!  I never reached goal and I was only 18 pounds away from my goal, now I'm 28 pounds away?!  ARGGHHH!!! This is so frustrating!  That's why I haven't even posted or come to this site in a while because I feel like a failure!  But I've noticed that most people just don't say anything because noone else is.   Well, I'm going to say something!  I'm not a newbie.  So everything is not all gravy.  The weight is not just falling off.  I feel like I have OCD as far as dieting and exercising and weight are concerned.  I do WW, You on a diet, low carb, South Beach, Low fat.  I mean I'm doing every diet possible just to try to get back to where I was and the scale just moves up and up. 

Ok.........I've rambled enough.  Any advice?

RNY on 4/17/06 - 302/150/160 5'7 1/2" tall

on 9/7/08 10:43 am - colchester, CT

There are several people on the grads message board with the same problem. You need to get your blood sugars to be more stable, it is not a good thing to be passing out. You should keep a diary of the foods you are eating and see what causes this to happen. Simple carbs can do this. You should try eating some protien and complex carb every 2-3 hours  in between meals when awake to stablize your blood sugars. Stay away from foods with white flour, sugar, or have a high glycemic index. You are getting so tired from spike in your blood sugar and the resulting drops after experiencing dumping syndrome.

Check out the grads board if you have not already for some advice from others who are experienceing this problem.

Take care


ps. once you get things better in control you can concetrate on trying to lose those last pounds.

on 9/7/08 10:51 pm - Rockford, IL
I totally agree with Share's comments.  Also, honey you seem to be all over the place.  Go back to the days after your surgery when you were on protein, fluids and a few complex carbs. Slow down, your family needs you and a healthy you.  You are a delicate person and you must treat your self with the delicacy you deserve right now.  Keep us posted!  KIM M>>
on 9/8/08 4:11 am, edited 9/8/08 4:11 am - Bakersfield, CA
I so feel  you girl! I am the same except fo the passing out part. I went to the Dr. my iron was way low I am very anemic. I was not taking my supplements. Eating things I shouldn't be eating!  I statred taking the supplements,iron B complex, and  B-12 shots. I have not changed the eating part. I've gained 5 lbs back but it feels like more than that! It's scary to think that it can all come back. I also feel like a failure. It's been about three weeks since I've started taking the supplements I feel a little better. My problem is that I'm always hungry so I snack all day. Dr. told me that when I get hungry to  drink 8oz glass of water and eat 10 almonds. One by one not all at once. It works sometimes depends on my mind set for the day! Sometimes I can Pysch myself out. Good Luck Girlie I know I needed it!
Check on it!
on 9/9/08 9:20 pm - Pearland, TX

I went to the Dr. yesterday and they did a glucose/insulin/c-peptide test.  I woke up and at 7:38 my blood sugar level was 90.  So it was fine.  Basically I had to fast and show up first thing in the morning and drink this big cup of EXTRA sugary kool-aid type of drink.  It was SOOOO sweet and I dump!!! They took my blood before the drink, then I lied down for 30 minutes, they took my blood again, lied down for another 30 minutes, took my blood again, got to leave for an hour, checked my blood sugar it was 92, returned to get blood drawn again.  Now, at this point, I was on the verge of passing out.  I was sweating, heart was racing, I was jittery, I just wasn't going to make it but I couldn't eat!!  I got back to the Dr.'s office and asked them to hurry and take my blood sugar because I was about to pass out!!  They took the last vile of blood and I took 4 pieces of candy and devoured them!!  I got to my car, checked my blood sugar and it was 42. 

I should get some of my results back today if not tomorrow.  My Dr. suggested that I try the anti-inflammatory diet.  So I went to the grocery store and bought the things that were on that list and I will try to follow James H's wagon plan diet also. 

I'll fill you in when I hear something else!

Thanks again everyone!


RNY on 4/17/06 - 302/150/160 5'7 1/2" tall

on 9/13/08 6:19 am - westminster, VT
Please keep us posted. So many of us have different problems at this stage, hopefully if we all check up on one another we can solve some of these issues............My answer lies in the Ensure. :)
Amber A.
on 1/15/09 8:40 am - San Ramon, CA
Hi Sherry,
I just found your post on OH...I was looking for some answers because I'm having the same problem.  It's scary!  I'm a mom to twin 9 month olds and I'm home all by myself with them during the day.  Did your episodes happen between a certain timeline during the day?  Mine come on about 11am-1pm (somewhere between there).  I have not passed out yet, but it's probably because I have to sit down and wait it out.  The 5 times this week it's happened I've been able to stop for a while, so that's good.  But I definitely have been close to passing out, cold sweats, heart racing, clammy and all.  I was just wondering what further information you might have had at this point, since it's been a few months since your post.  Any information would be super helpful.


Mom of beautiful 9 month old boy/girl twins!  Looking into revision surgery now. 

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