Got insurance to cover part of my LBL!!!!
Hello April Buddies
Well, I am scheduled for a Lower Body Lift on January 28, 2008. (Had to wait till it was my slow time at work).
The surgery is going to cost me $14,300, but I was able to get Aetna to cover the Panni part of the surgery, the hospital stay, part of the anisecia, etc. I hope this will knock my bill down to $10,000. I was very blessed to receive the $10,000 from my grandmother, so anything above and beyond is what will come out of my pocket.
Now I just need to find a rich sugar Daddy to pay for my boobies next August! hahahaha.
Anyone else getting ready or had PS?
yea for you & keep us updated on this ,I would love to have more done I will never wear shorts out again in my life my legs are like jello they jiggle lol I hate !!it but pants can cover this up, I had a TT but will not have anything else done I am just happy with all the other turn out ,so good luck

Congrats Shelly! That will definitely help defray the cost!
I am scheduled to have my arms and stomach done on January 8th. I am trying to get the stomach portion covered by insurance. I was pre-approved for financing for both procedures, but am working with my bosses to finance through them. My total is just over 23K for both procedures and I am willing to be an indentured slave for the next 5 years to get my surgery done (plus I love my bosses!)
Good luck with your surgery, Shelly!
Good luck with your surgery!
I want to have a Tummy Tuck but have to wait. I'm in school right now and will graduate on Oct. 2nd of next year. Then I can't take the boards until January so I'm thinking of having it done right after I graduate. That will give me time to heal before I take my boards an eventually go to work. I'm going to school to become a Licensed Massage Therapist which can be physically demanding so I'll really need some time to heal before I go to work. Ideally I'd like to have my boobs lifted too but I just don't see that happening. I wouldn't want them reduced, just lifted so there's no way insurance would ever pay for that. My legs don't look that bad and I can live with my arms.