Hi everyone---today is my 59th birthday (better than the alternative!
) and I weighed 160.8 pounds this morning. I had hoped to be at 160.5 pounds as that would be 1/2 of my former self. Darn close I'd say. My next goal is 155 by Halloween. I think I can--I think I can!! Hope everyone has a great weekend. My baby is turning 27 tomorrow and is coming to visit with his sweetie wife. What a birthday present he was 27 years ago. Julia W.

Hooray for new clothes! I was thinking yesterday that I should try on some of my winter things before it gets cold here in SC..which could be tomorrow or Jan....
My last years wardrobe consisted of 8/10's and now I am wearing all 4/6 and they are loose. So Unless I can alter them I am in trouble. And most were given to me and they are soo cute I hate to not be able to wear them.
But I do have a sewing machine..I am just always unsure how to manage the side pockets on slacks.
Have a great Sunday...we are off to church this morning and then to dinner at friends house from church which will be fun!
In God's love,
Happy Birthday Julia,
Not only are we surgery twins we're almost birthday twins. My 60th birthday is tomorrow. I need to get off this plateau and start losing again.
I celebrated my birthday today with a 14 mile bike ride to my surgeons patient appreciation picnic. I never could have done that last year.
Jeanne, We really are almost twins!! Wow a 14 mile bike ride!! Do we get to see pictures soon? I know my weight loss has slowed and I seem to go in spurts---some months just a couple of pounds or so then I will have a 5 to 8 pound month. I will take what I can get. I would like to lose 10 to 11 more pounds. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU