April Buddies Check In!
Hey Joan and eveyone!!! Hard to believe next month we'll be 18 months out!!!
Let's see . . . .
I weigh 217 now and started at 384 - that's a total loss so far of 167 pounds. I have 18 pounds to go to get to my surgeon's goal. I'm not really sure what my personal goal is since I can't remember even being this low - I think around 180???
I'm gonna make my appointment next week for a PS consult to prepare since it will probably take me a while to get in.
Am I glad?? More than I can say. It has changed my life.
What am I doing differently? Taking tennis lessons!!! and dating (yikes), enjoying clothes shopping, going out to dinner, sitting down and putting my shoes on, pulling up my pants to button them and they fit well or are loose, really the simple things that others take for granted.
Only change would have been to do sooner and to have lost more pre op weight - no last suppers kind of thing. I mean I know now that it is just food. . . .
Everyone looks so good!!! I am so pround of everyone

Denise...I am so amazed at the changes in you and I just shake my head when I see your picture. You have always been gorgeous...I always loved the picture of you in the white lab coat. You look sooo young and healthy. Tennis? Wow, it is amazing when you think back to just hoping to be able to walk the length of a hall or from a parking place to a store...and now we are all doing so many things we only dreamed of befoe WLS. I too am proud of each of us whether or not you get to respond or not...you are success stories. Where is our redhead with the little sports car and travel business? And our April who was expecting? And the rest of you? Come on...touch base. we are here for each other no matter what is going on.
Love you all...Joan M
Been a long time since I posted on this page. I can't believe that it has been 17 months already. Life is so much better as a post op RNY person then pre op. I have loved every day since my surgery. I have found someone who loves me with all of his heart and we are making plans to spend the rest of our lives together. The best part is we have known each other for 20 years and built a wonderful relationship around our friendship. He completes me 100%. He is what I have been looking for all my life and had given up on ever finding.
Current weight: 183lbs
Pounds lost since surgery: 141
What new thing are you doing since surgery: Anything that I couldn't do before I am trying now. I am walking anywhere from 2-4 miles a day and loving and enjoying life again.
Are you still glad you had surgery: I thank God and my surgeon everyday.
What do you wish were different?: I wish I would have never stopped walking during the winter. I know I won't do that again this winter. I have another friend that had RNY and he and I walk together every night.
Take care,
Hello April Buddies.
Life is so good these days.
Current weight: 195
Pounds lost since surgery: 140
Whats new since surgery? I am more energy, I went swimming in a pool for the first time since the 90's, and enjoyed it.
I wish that I would have exercised more in the first six months, but cant change that. I have a consult with a ps in Oct. See where it goes from there.
I still would like to lose at least 30 to 40 more pounds but have been at a standstill since April.
I just love the complements I get from people, and love the reaction from people that I havent seen since surgery. It makes me feel so wonderful.
I thank the good Lord and my surgeon everyday for the chance at a new life. I would do it over again if I had too.
Everyone of my April brother and sisters are very important to me, and We have all came along way.
Keep up the great work Everyone!!
Love ya

Hello my friend! So glad you checked i with us. You have done so great and with minimal complications. I am very proud of the people here and have always said this is one of the best boards on OH for sure. I still miss some of the original bunch from the old days and I pray they will check in and that they are doing well.
Swimming is wonderful now isn't it!
Love ya Girl and hope all goes well with consult for PS.
Joan m
Current weight: 165
Pounds lost: 136
What new things: wearing mediums in the misses section and shopping my ass off!
Still glad: Hell ya! Want to shout it to every fatty I see! Do this! Do this! and then I want to yell at the fatty's with obese children. For some reason I have really taken an interest in what we are doing to make our children so fat! Makes me mad as hell!
What would I do different: probably exercise more. I really hate to exercise and still do!
Future plans: having a total lower body life on January 28th, 2008. Gonna hurt!