New Pictures
I just posted some new pictures on my profile, from a recent trip to Seattle to a wedding. My son and daughter-in-law went and had a great time. I was able to walk straight up a steep hill from the waterfront without stopping and without losing my breath. WOW I wore a dress too, first time in years. Julia
Thanks Kathleen, You are doing good as well. The weight loss certainly slows down doesn't it. I was thinking I was 15 months out but it has only been 14 months. Yeh for all us April buddies.!
I want to lose about 17 more then start to maintain and try for a tummy tuck and breast reduction next summer/fall. Julia

Julia..I am sitting here in tears. You have been transformed. Even though we have been to each other on this board since before surgery, sometimes we forget where we have all come from. I looked at your before pic (only few days out) and then the now pic and I am in awe of what a miraculous change has taken place. When we are discouraged we need to look at the before and see how far we have come. You truly inspire me. And Girlfriend you are gorgeous inside and out!
Your fellow sister in surgery,
Joan, it is amazing for all of us isn't it---I look back at my pictures from early on and it takes me back to what it was like physically, being super morbidly obese. I never want to go back there. I am positive I would be close to being in a wheelchair by now and very very unhappy. Looking back is good as it may bring back some bad memories but reinforces what I need to do to continue on as a healthy person. I generally look at profile of others and always look at the before. We have done wonderfully haven't we!! God has definitly been good to us all. Julia
Floyd, I am climbing hills and you are running races. What next!!! I do not run---have never liked it. I don't mind the walking and with weight loss and impoved balance, I don't worry so much about falling now and if I did, it would not be so embarrassing AND I could get up on my own! What little things bring us pleasure now!
I guess they are not little things but great big important things that we will never take for granted again. Keep up the good work Floyd. Julia