Update on "I'm still Fat"
I thought I would give an update since my last post was so depressing. By the way thank you all for your support and advice. Everything in my stomach is fine as far as the upper gi went last time I posted. I'm not sure but I do think I threw some blood up last night. Does blood from the stomach look black? Anyway, I was looking at my profile and how much I use to weigh... And ya know what?... I'm not as sad as I use to be about the weight loss. LOL Things I can do now as to things I couldn't do then. I don't have to use a wooden spoon to wipe anymore, I can stand for hours on end now, I don't use a c-pap machine anymore, I can walk the whole mall more than once without crying (infact I can walk the fair), I don't have to fight to get up out of a chair (I can fit in chairs)... Ok those are just a few things, but I thought you all would want to hear the positive me. Bi-Polor is such a wicked disease. But I will get through it all with Jesus' help.
Jenn, Those are important WOW
events for you. Getting out of a chair easily, standing for any length of time, not needing C-PAP, (I lost about 130 pounds before stopping C-PAP) walking as much as you want---is all wonderful and exciting events so hang in there as it maybe slow, but you have imporved so much already. Julia

Jenn, you have made such AMAZING progress! Just look at all of the awesome things you can do now. You have ended some very depressing coping skills and replaced them with terrific new skills. I understand depression. I have had it for 11 years, but as my surgery continues to work and refine my body, I am hopeful again. Give yourself time and be gentle with yourself. I am sure you are your own worse critic. I always am my worse enemy. Most of all remember Jesus will never leave us or forsake us even during our depression, tears and diseases. You will make it. I know you will. Also, call your dr. about that black blood. It never hurts to check on those kinds of things. I never want to call the doctor either, but do it ,that is why they get paid 'the big bucks"! God's Blessings on you Jenn! Kim M.