I'm Back
Hello all my April Buddies...finally have the internet back on again at our house (still in SC).. No the house hasn't sold yet but we are trusting the Lord for that in His timing.
I am so happy to be back and to see the friends that helped me from before my surgery and after.
You all were surely missed. Hope everyone is well. And those who are so busy they don't get on, check in and let us know how you are doing.
California Girl...glad to see you on here again. Where is April and and she better let us know how the baby inside is growing.
Love you all,
Joan M
Hello Sher...thanks..I have certainly missed everyone.
Yes, great summer and now preparing to return to work once again at the school where I am the crossing guard (4 yrs now).
We are also getting ready to start our 10th year of homeschooling..I guess the Lord thinks this old lady is still up for the task.
Joan M

Thanks and I was just on the WLS Grad forum and have read about people getting into old way of eating and wondered about maybe doing Ethel Wants to know what Ya eating? again. I see that a lot of people struggle when they are no longer accoubtable to one another.
If any one is interested let me know.
Great to be back!
Joan M