I am experiencing extreme fatigue, more like sleepyness, all the time. My water, protein, vitamin, b12, iron, calcium intake are all good. I even increased my iron a couple of months ago. My labs were all good in April. I don't know if something could of changed since then? I feel like I did when I was pregnant, like I could just lay on the couch and sleep for hours. I'm still running, and weight lifting, it doesn't make me feel any more tired or give me any more energy. Has anyone else felt this way 15 months out? I'm going to give it another week then I'll call my dr. Thanks for any advice.Jenn.
Girlfriend!!! I did not recognize you at all!!! If I didn't read your name I would never have know it was you.
I haven't been online as much and will have internet at home this Frid but had to jump in and say wowowowowow.
And Jenn...sorry about the fatigue but I would chek with Dr. before waiting another week. Also, with weight lifting you need more calories.
Hope you start feeling better.