ok...I am jealous
I haven't posted here much..maybe 1 time or so but read this forum daily. Ise where everyone is at goal or very near. I had surgery April 17, 2006. I weighed 320 pounds and am 6 feet tall. Today I weighed 206. The problem I am having is low blood pressure/hydration. Today it was 105/66 which is wonderful because it has been being 80s/40-50s. I have been bad about not drinking the protein and barely get 64 oz in. It is just I don't feel like eating or drinking. Then I get dehydrated...take 2 bags of iv fluid and gain weight from the fluid. Frustrating! So Iam trying things to get protein and start the losing. I would love to be in one-derland by Christmas! Any ideas??
Wendy, I dont have any ideas, but honey let me tell you I am no where near goal. I have been stuck at the weight I am now for 3 months. Nothing I have tried works, so I am just glad that I have lost 140 lbs. I would not go back for nothing.
I wish I could give you so hints. THe way I get my fluids in is by sugar free popsickles and believe me I eat alot. Without them I wont be getting my fluids in either. Since it is so hot, I have been drinking alot of protein shakes, because it is cold. I use the EAS Protein shake that is already made and you can get them at Wal-Mart. Put them in the frig and let them get cold and they are cold and help you cool off. They is 17 gram of protein in each carton.
Good luck wls sister
Keep in touch.
Had surgery 4/24/2007
You have done a great job so far, you don't have to feel jealous, but I understand your frustration. It is important to get in enough fluids each day, that will help keep your blood pressure in a more normal range. Have you tried to figure out how much you are eating each day? Grams of protien and number of calories? There are several web sites where you can track those things. Getting in adequate amounts of protien (60-80 g) a day with food and maybe an additional protien drink might help your weight loss. ALong with drinking AT LEAST 64oz water or other zero calorie beverage. Also, have you been exercising at all? Exercise is an important componet to go along with good eating to continue to lose more weight and to maintain weight loss.
I have trouble too with getting in enough fluids, now with the hot weather I keep a bottle of water flavored with crystal light so I constantly sip on it. Also I make it habit to drink about a cup of water each time I go in the kitchen, also be sure you are not drinking with your meals.
Keep up the good work and try to gradually increase you fluid intake, it is important for weight loss and your general health.
Wishing you all the best.
ps. remember we all lose weight differently some are fasting than others. Use you WLS tool to it's full advantange and you will get to your goal.

There are two that I know of www.fitday.com and www.sparkpeople.com
Here is what I do to get in 40 extra grams of protein per day and my 64 oz of water.
Go to GNC or Vitanmin Shoppe and buy a case of the Isopure (Grape Frost). It is a liquid in a glass bottle.
Go to Wal Mart and buy a 32 oz water bottle.
Have ice cubes in freezor.
In the morning take your water bottle and fill it 1/4 the way with ice cubes.
Take 1/2 the bottle of Isopure (for 20 grams of protein) and pour over ice.
Fill the rest of your water bottle with your favorite flavor of Crystal light, or what ever drink you like that is water based.
Drink this up in the first half of the day.
AFter lunch...repeat this again with the other half of the bottle of Isopure.
If you do this every day...you get 40 grams of protein and 64 oz of water!!!!!
Keep in mind, the reason you have to break up the Isopure into two servings is because your body will not digest 40 grms of protein at one time. So, it is best to split it up in your water twice a day!
Try this for a month!
I feel the grape frost is the best for mixing with other flavors of chrystal ligh. After a month, go a head and try some other flavors of Isopure...but for now...trust me...do the grape frost.
Hey Wendy, I fight low blood pressure too. I try to keep sipping at ice water or propel and I eat sugar free popcicles . When you're dehydrated your blood pressure will drop so it's important for us to stay hydrated. My Dr. also told me to eat some more salt and that would help my blood pressure (makes sense since you can't eat salt with high blood pressure).
I started at 333 lbs and I'm currently at 197. I'm only 5'6". I know what you mean about wanting it to start with a one though. I was so excited to finally get there.
I would make sure you drink three protein drinks a day as snacks, avoid white carbs, eat whole grain carbs only at one meal a day and concentrate on protein and veggies the other two meals. Every time the scale stops moving I get anal about doing everything like that and it starts moving again.
Good luck!