Hello all you April anniversary people
Not much going on with this board here. I hope everyone is doing well. Lets have roll call.
I'll start.
I have not gotten to my goal yet, but I am still trying. I am eating well and tracking my food intake and exercise daily. I am losing about 1 lb a week on the average. Need to lose about 10 llbs to get to my personal goal.
I am seeing a ps tomorrow to get a consult, not sure what I will have done since I have some other issues that are more pressing to get repaired, like my left knee.
ALso my DH is having a serious operation in a few weeks. So I am waiting for him to have a full recovery before I have any surgery.
Hope everyone is having a good start to their summer.
Take care
love to you all

Shelly, I am sure you can get to your personal goal, congratulations of meeting your doctors goal.
Are you having surgery on the 24th or just having consult? I am interested on what you doctor says about working on the thighs, the surgeon I met with wasn't too encouraging about the outcome.
Take care
Sher I'll keep your Husband in my prayers. I hope his surgery goes well.
I finally broke the 200 mark. I'm at 199. I'm stil losing, just slowly.
I never set a weight goal for myself. As long as I did the best I could with my supplements, protein, water, food and exericse then I consider myself a success.
I'm finally back to exercising after having to take a month off due to surgery on my vericose veins. I need two additional surgeries for that (one on each leg) I'm not sure when I'll schedule it. I'm not looking forward to being so inactive again.
Good luck to both of you with the PS consult.
I hope everyone is doing well

Lizzie, thanks for your prayers, I am sure things will go well.
Congratulations on breaking the 200 mark! It seems like most of us who have not met our goal are losing slowly, but at least we are still losing..
It must be hard to be layed up with your surgeries. After my husband recovers I need to have a knee replaced. I know that that will limit my activities for quite a while. My consult with the ps was ok. He felt he could accomplish good results with a TT, breast lift?implants, and arm lift, he wasn't real encouraging on the thigh lift. I don't know when I will be ready for ps, but I wanted to get an idea about things ahead of time to plan and choose what I would do.
Take care

Hello Sher and the rest of the April board. All is well on the Home front here. Hope everyone has a Great 4th, Our Independence day.
I am losing about a pound a week, it is slow, but it is moving again. I have lost 10 inches in a month so my body is just readjusting. I am going to wait until I am about 18 months post-op before I start looking into PS. I have to save up money to get a TT and more. So it will down the line some before I can do anything.
I would like to lose at least 40 to 50 more pounds to get to goal. We will just have to wait and see what happens. At least I am not gaining, thank God.
Hope everyone has a great summer.