as I get up & moving this am for work I thought to myself today is a special day ,it is my 1 year ANNIVERSARY

: I am so happy I would do it over again ,the surgery saved my life I am meds free was on 5 diff kinds of meds & sleep app but nothing now

I would just like to say so many prayers & thoughts came my way last year thank you LCBB (my support group ) for being there every step of the way

& the April board I have made so many life time friends

I can not wait to see what next year holds for me ,I need 20 to my goal I started out at 256 well really 286 lost some before surgery & I weigh 160 now

I never wore jeans before now I wear a 12 some 10's was wearing a 2xl & some 3 xl shirts now a med to a L .
THANK YOU ALL & Happy Anniversary to me