One Year surgiverdary, Easter WOWs etc.
Well tomorrow is my one year surgery anniversary. It's been tough for the last couple of months because old habits are coming back and I get discouraged because of this huge hernia. Hopefully I'll find out more about it on Friday when I go for my 1 year check up.
I posted new pictures of me in the new formal I bought for an upcoming dinnner dance.
Now for the Easter WOWs:
My Dad and I went to church yesterday, he left a few minutes before me and he said didn't know who was walking into the Fellowship Hall for breakfast.
Later in the day, I was coloring eggs and needed something to cover up in, so I went downstairs and found an old workshirt of my Dads. It fit, except for one button over this darn hernia.
That's why I get frustrated becaus I could be down another size except for the hernia.
Happy Anniversary to my surgery twin, Julia.
Jeanne, Congratulations on ONE YEAR!! Isn't it great. Tomorrow is our surgiversary. I am hoping to lose another pound by tomorrow so will update then!
It really is a very emotional time for me, thinking back on what has happened for all of us in a year, I sit here with tears in my eyes. Tears of joy, relief, excitement and praising God for this wonderful oportunity. Julia

Hi again Jeanne, Your pictures are awesome. You look so good. You can take care of that hernia in a little bit. Hasn't the year gone by fast. Just think, a year ago tonight, we could not get out of the bathroom---that nasty prep!!! I would certainly go through it again if I had to!
Cheers to us. Julia

Jeanne you have done wonderful! We all get discouraged once in awhile but we have to bounce back and think about how far we have come!
You are an amazing lady, this year we have seen a touch of what we can do with our new tools. It is now up to us to use it! Keep on trying, when you get frustrated tomorrow is a new day! Start over and let the little stuff slide!
Your going great and once that hernia is gone LOOK OUT!