6 month plateau
Wow! Everyone sure seems to be doing great! I'm quite down and could really use a lift. I had surgery last April I start out at 257 I got down to 157 in just 6 months. The sad part is I have not lost anything since then. Matter of fact, I was 163 today when I got on the scale. Because of the frustration, I have started back at my old habbits and I fear that I have stretched my tummy WAY out! I am shocked at how much I can eat. What can I do to get back on track. I just want to cry.
Rather not share, you are only human, and we all make mistakes. Hundred pounds lost is totally awesome way to go.
You need to first call your doctor and see what they suggest, they are your support team, and there to help you. Second you came to the right place to get a pick me up.
You should start keeping a HONEST journal of everything you put into your mouth. See if that helps the eating. Try getting 2 protein shakes in a day, and eating more fruits and vegetables. Try really hard to stay away from potatoes, pasta, crackers, and things that are bad carbs. If you arent exercise, try starting out with just 15 minutes a day, until you can work up to more. The more you move the more inches and weight you will lose.
Your body may be where it is comfortable at. You may not lose anymore, each of us are totally different in how much weight we lose. I have lost 135 and havent lost any for 3 months, but hey I am not the 335 that I started out a year ago. So I am happy, but I keep trying to lose weight. I have to watch very closely to what I am eating as I have a habit of eating to much too.
Take care and I sure hope this helps you. But you really should consult your surgeon and team just to see what they suggest.
Good luck there, glad you could stop by.
335/198/140 I dont know if I will make it to goal but I am sure going to try. LOL

Please do not get disscouraged...just call your nutritionist and tell her (if a her) what you are doing and I am sure they will help. Start over....go to basics like Kathleen said..so you can jump start your pouch again. It is a tool, and like any tool you must use it correctly or it does not work. Make sure you are....we can all start fresh...let this be your day.
Email me and we talk if you need to....
Love in Christ,
Joan M
I had surgery 4/6/06, started at 265 and have been "stuck" at 95 lbs lost for about 4 months now...My one year check up is next week and I sure would love to get to that 100 lbs lost mark by then! Your weight loss is great! You and I started at almost the same weight. I don't know how tall you are but I'm thinking if you are about the same as me (5'6") we may be nearing the end of our weight loss. Personally, I would be thrilled to stay and maintain my current weight.
Try not to despair--although I know it's hard not to. And when you're not losing any more but also not gaining any more, it's really hard not to do some of the things you're not supposed to. I know because I do it all the time. Even as I'm sticking something in my mouth I'm saying to myself "you shouldn't be eating this!". I think my saving grace is the fact that I weigh myself every day (even though we're told not to) and that keeps me in check and from getting out of control. As far as eating goes, I have not found one food that I absolutely cannot tolerate. (I was hoping that certain foods would make me sick so I would stay away from them).
As others have suggested in their responses to you, I am forcing myself to "go back to the basics" and upping my my water, milk, protein in an attempt to hit "wonderland" by my next appt. I would encourage you also to talk to your nutritionist, although I know it's hard to tell them "the truth" when I haven't done what I know I should have (but no one's perfect--we are only human). I think I just have to accept that staying on the straight and narrow will continue to be something that we post-WLS patients will struggle with all our lives.
I started a little heavier than you and have lost 82-88 lbs (depending on the day!). Since December, I have been fluctuating between the above weight losses. Driving me crazy! I know what part of it is but its an excuse. I'd like to loose another 15-20 lbs but know I need to get on it.
Today is a new day, I'm back to visiting the boards, something I haven't done in MONTHS. I had some huge reality checks over the weekend and now is the time to do something about it.
You've done an excellent job at weight loss, your body is catching up, I'm sure. My skin has tightened during my plateau, hopefully yours has too. I'm concentrating on liquids and protein today, little else. the sun is shining, I'm sure doggy would love a nice long walk with me.
Have Faith! Call your surgeon and your nutritionist and schedule an appointment. They will help you the most. Also, know that your "family" here loves you and we are all in this together and we will be ok. Try to write down everything you eat. That is a great deterant for me. Also, get out your measuring cup and don't eat more than what you can fit into it. Take care sweetie and hang in there. Kim M>
Thank you! I can not beleive the support I received. It brought tears to my eyes. Thank you all for caring. I have started exercising again and I really need to work on my eating habbits. I know what I have to do. I to am one that can eat ANYTHING and not get sick, sometimes I wish I would. I meet with the Dr. in a couple weeks, I will be honest with him and see what else I should be doing to get back on track. I have not seen my nutritionist since before I had surgery because my insurance does not pay for it and I am still plucking away at paying for my surgery bill. Thanks again. It's been months since I posted but I'm pretty sure I'll be back.