Frederick's of Hollywood Story
When I was in Atlanta, I decided to go to the mall, as our mall in the AV leaves a BIT to be desired. Well, I went into Frederick's to try some things on. I grabbed a few bras in all different sizes from 36B to a 40C and the dressing room lady asked me what I was looking for. "I'm not sure," I said. "Well, What size are you?" she asked. "I'm not sure about that either," I said. She smiled and led me to a dressing room. She wanted to see how they fit and told me to let her know when I got one on.
These things made me fall out everywhere! I showed her and she said, "Try the bigger band size." So I did and my skin was Still falling out over the top of the band. She sighed, exasperated, and asked me what I was trying to do here. I said I wanted a bra that held me in and didn't make the skin pooch too much. She goes, "Honey, you ain't gon' find nothin' like that. I could put you in the biggest bra I got and you'd still be fallin' out the sides and such. You jus' gotta git one that holds yer buzzoms in it and be satisfied."
That's it folks. I am un-Bra-able.
Then my suggestion is to go bra less, lol. I don't understand what she meant, how can you get the biggest bra, still have them falling out the sides and still be able to "git one that holds yer buzzoms in it."
Personally, I'd have smacked her with one of them there buzzoms and put an eye out.
Thanks for sharing the story,
Jenn, I have shopped several times post wls for a bra and I never find one that fits right. I think " Oh wow, now I can wear a sexy looking bra instead of a boulder holder, but NOTHING seems to fit right. Lo and behold though, I did find a few to work. So they are out there. Keep searching! As far as that sales lady is concerned, you must be a real saint, because I think it would have been very tempting to say some rather unpleasant things back to her rude remark. You'll find it eventually. Kim M.
Oh my goodness!!!! you have WAY more patience than i do.
i would have knocked her the heck out
....but that aside, she should have measured you for a correct fit.....
you can go to most major dept stores....neiman markus....maceys .... or a normal fredricks, or victoria secret and they will measure you. i have lots of bras now, before wls i had 2. now they range from a 32A to a 36B depending on the make. i have skin breasts....can not wait for implants!!!
take care

The right bra is out there. I went to J C Penneys and got measured and asked the sales girl for some help. I shared that I had lost alot of weight and she told me she had lost 100lbs herself and new just the type of bra I needed. She brought in Bali brand, in several different styles. I found one style I liked and that fit well and I didn't fall out of so I bought 3 in different colors. What a difference wearing just the right bra. I looked fully supported and feel more confident than before. My previous bras hadn't given me any support, they were several sizes to big in both band and cup size. Keep trying you will find the right one.
Jenn K. I too am having a hard time finding a bra that fits, So I just keep wearing the old ones and putting them in the farest hooks that are on there. So far so good.
Like the other said you must be a saint. I would have either knocked her out, or had a few choice words for her.
You will find a bra that fits you, you just have to keep trying.