Hey where are You?
I believe everyone is missing, maybe we should send out the lost police. I havent seen anyone post since early Friday.
Is everyone okay? I sure hope so. I know that all of you probably work, (see I dont)
. I know everyone is pretty busy, since we have so much energry.
I have a question: I have been increasing my exercise from nothing to walking at least 3 or 4 times a week. I am now up to walking 3 miles. Well I WAS IN ONDERLAND, but now I have gain two pounds back. I am still watching what I eat, and I keep a real close eye on the carbs, so why am I gaining instead of losing?
I have taken my measurements and I have gain a couple of inches in a couple of areas but lost in a couple. I am really confused here.
Any input will be so welcomed.
Thanks, hope everyone had a great weekend. It has finally started warming up here, and we havent had any snow for awhile, thank god.

I am here, Kathleen. I have checked here frequently too and little posting going on. I thought maybe the weather everywhere is a nice as it has been in Oregon and everyone was out playing. I, on the other hand, spent quite a bit of yesterday cleaning my refrigerator! UGH it was bad.
Was even able to crawl around on the floor and vacuum underneath and then GET UP AGAIN!
You know I lost 6.5 pounds on the plateau buster diet your nutritionist recommended but soon gained back 4 pounds. It is slowing going down again but I had been at 189.8 and now am 191.6. I haven't measured recently however so should do that tomorrow night. I know that you can gain weight if you increase you exercise and in turn, increase muscle. Hang in there---We are still way ahead of last year at this time HUH!

Hi Kathleen, congratulations on increasing your exercise, as you know it will benefit your cardiovascular system as well as burn calories. Your body is probably shifting things around and you are building up some muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat but it also helps you burn more calories. Just keep up what you are doing, I am sure things will start to go in the direction you want them to go.
Have a great day, Sher
I remember a post that someone put up about how our bodies redistribute the weight around every so often so do not panic ovr the pounds and inches...it will all level out...just keep walking girlfriend! Man can you even believe it? Eleven months ago it would have been impossible for any of us to walk around the block let alone 3 miles or 5K runs and look at us now!!!
Missed you all but I have been busy this weekend and will be this coming one also...going to see sister again in Myrtle Beach. Yahoooo nice picture Kathleen!!
Joan M
I second what Sher said. Muscle weighs more than fat. Anytime you start exercising or up your resistance training you can actually gain weight at first. BUT... muscle burns calories at rest so you will begin to burn more calories and your weight loss will step up! You'll see. Hang in there
I've been a little out of it the past few days. I feel really ditzy and dizzy and I feel like I have a cold or something coming on. I realized last night when i was going to bed that I TOTALLY forgot to take any vitamins after my iron in the morning and had no other protein drinks other than my first morning one. That's definately not like me. Now today my 15 yr old came home from school sick, thew up and went to bed. UGH... I hope I'm just ditzy and not getting that!
It's starting to get nice here in Buffalo NY. It's going to be 50 degrees today. Whoohoo!